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After hanging out with me all of these years, Maddie has made some enemies. It's not Maddie's fault that she has mood swings. Wouldn't you have mood swings if your last two families tried to kill you? Maddie has a horrible back story....... Before I tell you all about Maddie's horrible past, let me tell you about her happy past...

         Maddie wasn't always so jumpy. In fact she was perfectly calm when she came here. After her first family tried to kill her, she snapped, and now she gets teased for getting scared at the crimping sound of paper. Its not her fault you know....... She can't help it. Here is Maddie's past. The past isn't really past, in fact it's happening at this moment.


        Maddie was the first to go home today, which was a rainy July day, her family's name was the Krillings. She was so happy, until she got into that house.. For what she told me, it was a two story house in the woods. Mr. and Ms. Krilling were the one's who truly wanted her gone (which is stupid because they just adopted Maddie) If Maddie hadn't known something was up she would've ran away. Maddie did, though. She over heard the Mr. and Ms. talking about killing her when she went to bed. Only she and I had a plan just in case a situation like Maddie's happened. We were the only 2 girls who had phones too, we promised each other not to tell anyone we had them and we only used them in case of emergencies, which was a perfect time for Maddie to use her cell phone to call me. It was about 11:30pm when Maddie decided to call me.

      "Winter! Help me. I need to come back!" She screamed frantically into the phone.

       "Maddie what are you talking about? The Krillings seemed really nice." I said, trying to calm her down.

      "Winter, think their last name is Krilling if you take away the r it's KILLING." Sometimes.. just sometimes, she's a little over dramatic.

       "Maddie you need to come! Do you remember where I am?" 

      "Yeah, I'm leaving now. Have any advice?" I hear the rustle of Maddie's backpack and I try to calm her down. 

         "Two things. One, you are as strong as your greatest fear. Two, be quiet and keep me posted." After that, the line went dead.. and all I could do was hope..

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