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"Winter, do you want to know about your abilities?" Maddie asked

"Abilities? What abilities?" I questioned. Clearly, I don't.

"Winter, your special. You can read minds, you can make things disappear, you can control the elements, and you can cause pain with just saying the word 'pain'! "

"What do you mean I can 'control the elements'?" I was so confused. All of this was too much fit one person to take in.

The next thing I knew, we were in the bathroom again with the door locked. Maddie turned on the water and told me to put my hand out with my palm facing away from me. She told me to focus on trying to move it, and make it go into the air, then back into the sink. I tried to focus, I really did. The thing that distracted me was the sound of angry girls' pounding on the door because they have to go.

        We went home, when we got out of the car I put Maddie on my back and ran to the waterfall at vampire speed. She read my eager expression of wanting to know how to use my abilities correctly.

       "Focous on the waterfall, bring it up with one hand and keep the water in front of you. When you do take your free hand and bring it up, scrunch it slowly."

      I did as I was told. Considering that it was my first time using my abilities, I was shaking.

"Good job. Keeping both hands as they are, bring them up slowly then release your scrunched hand and bring both down."

       I did what I was told. I couldn't believe what happened. Snow. I had created snow. I smiled as big as my mouth let me. I was beaming. I was so happy with what I could do, but that wasn't the end of my powers.

         "Teach me more." I said in awe.

     "Okay, lets start with making the snow disappear. Its kind-of the same thing as making the snow. Put one hand out and focus on making the snow disappear."

      Once again, I did as I was told. I put my hand out, and said one simple word.... "disappear"..  right before our eyes, the snow disappeared, just leaving the grass and sticks. The next thing I needed to learn is how to cause pain.

        "Okay, Winter, this one is the easiest. Look me in the eyes, but try not to blink, and just say the word 'pain' okay?"

I nodded my head, understandingly. I looked at Maddie, who was at least two feet away from me. "Pain." I said, without an expression on my face. Instantly, Maddie fell to her knee's it looked liked something was sucking the life out of her. She sent me a mind message, but the voice was faint. "please stop" she told me. I fluttered my eyes, coming out of what seemed to a trance. There. I was done, I had learned all of my abilities, and all of my powers were amazing. Time to put them to work.

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