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"Winter, Holly, this is Eistyn (east-in)" Maddie made us break eye contact, but she had to do it over and over. Then I turned to Holly who was staring at me. When I turned around again, Maddie was in front of me, making our noses almost touch. I held my breath because I didn't want to breath on her, but she had no problem breathing on me.

       "You will not take him! He's mine" Maddie growled at me, then turned around and rushed to Eistyn's side. I let out the breath I was holding in and Eistyn gave me a confused expression, I shook my head a little bit, telling him not to worry about it, and I automatically looked back at the ground.

     "Eistyn? ! Maddie your dating my brother?!" Holly screeched and made us all look at her. I knew that Holly and Eistyn were brother and sister, but Maddie had no clue, and all three of us didn't think she cared as she hugged his arm tighter.

       "Holly keep your voice down, Justin doesn't know." Eistyn's voice was low but harsh. A young boy about 14 came out of nowhere. He had brown eyes and black hair, and was about Holly's height. He was also the younger brother of Eistyn and Holly. It was obvious that he was staring at me, closely. No, no he was looking at someone behind me.

     "Icess (ice-is) oh my gosh I missed you!" Justin rushed over to the 14 year old girl who was behind me. Icess ran over and grabbed my hand with fear. Oh I forgot to mention, Icess is Maddie's and I's little sister. She was born before mom was killed. Icess only had one picture of mom. It was when Icess was a baby. Icess had beautiful white hair that was as straight as you could get it, she also had ocean blue eyes like mine. We were close. When Justin tried to get closer, I stepped in front of Icess.

    "Pain" My eyes turned red as I stared at the boy. His chest went up and he fell to his knee's. Of course Maddie didn't know how to use her gift, so the boy was getting the life sucked out of him instead of Maddie projecting her shield.

     "Winter stop! Your gonna kill him! Stop!" Both Eistyn and Holly screamed at me making me loose focus and letting the boy go. I walked over to him, he was scared to death. I put my hand on his heart, closed my eyes and stopped the pain.

       "Dude, what's wrong with you?! Did you think he was gonna hurt her?! She's a vampire too ya know?!" Eistyn walked towards me, screaming.

       "Maddie, I think you better watch your little boyfriend over here." I sang as Maddie came over pulling on Eistyn's arm.

     "Calm down you two. Eistyn, Winter didn't know." Maddie whispered to Eistyn, but I still heard.

     "Don't know what." I was scared but my voice was fearless as Icess gripped my hand making me look down at her. When I did, she opened her mouth, revealing two fangs. She wasn't like this the last time I saw her, which was when Icess was a baby. Both mom and Maddie kept Icess away from me, so I couldn't feed on her. Maddie had hid Icess away from me, and this is the first time I got to see her. I looked away from Icess and turned my head to Maddie.

       "You changed our little sister?!" I rose my voice, not caring if everyone else heard me.

      "No, um.....uh.... Eistyn......did." She lowered her voice. No! Why would she let him change Icess?! Well, that makes us even. He changed my sister I changed his. Simple. I slowly turned around, facing everyone in the group.

         "Since Maddie has kept Icess bottled up in a house, I think we should introduce our selves to my young sister." I spoke to the group calmly, trying to keep my anger inside. Icess took my hand again, and sat next to me, where everyone saw us.

     "Icess, this is Holly. Her gift is that she can see your dreams by putting a hand on your head." I looked at Icess then motioned a hand towards Holly. She gave a little smile and wave, which Icess returned.

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