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I woke up the next morning to smell of pancakes, beacon, and biscuits. I went to get up to put my robe on, the next thing I knew my eyes are white and I'm gripping my dresser.


It was Eistyn. He's down stares, in the kitchen, making breakfast with Maddie. He's taking us somewhere.

              *END OF VISION*

I released the dresser out of my grip. Finally, a happy vision. Except for.... no I'm not even gonna worry about it. I put my robe and slippers on and ran downstairs.

       "Good Morning!" Eistyn was the first to greet me before I walked over to Maddie. I didn't really want to talk to him because of last night. So I just smiled.

      "Morning sis." I was standing behind Maddie, watching her pour pancake batter on the pan.

      "Good morning. Good sleep?" She put the batter bowl down and gave me a hug.

     "Yeah. Anyway where's Icess?" I completely forgot about her.

       "Don't worry she's upstairs, Holly told me she came here last night, so I came to make sure she got home safely." Eistyn spoke up before Maddie did. I turned around to look at Eistyn. There he was again, using the eyes that made me melt last night. Would he ever stop? Oh well! I wanted to see Icess, so I ran upstairs  her room. She was already up reading, but still in her pajamas. When I burst through the door, I made her jump.

      "Hey!" Was the first thing I said when I sat at the foot of her bed. Her eyes lit up, seeing that it was me.

     "I missed you." She buried her face in my shoulder, like she used to do to Maddie. It sounded like she was gonna cry. Even though Icess was 14 years old, she still acted like a kid around me, aside from the fits that 5 year olds throw.

      "Where did you go last night?" She asked me looking up in my eyes.

     "I was at the waterfall,-" I started

   "That was you who screamed last night?!" She went wide eyed again.

    "No that was our sister. Last night I asked Justin to come by the waterfall so we could talk, but instead, Eistyn came. Long story short, Eistyn tried to kiss me, Maddie saw and flipped out." I just shrugged, looking away from her. She didn't care anymore. She buried her head in my shoulder again, but she started crying.

     "Hey..... what's wrong?" I asked her in a gentle way, rubbing little circles on her back.

      "How come Eistyn had to turn me into a vampire? I thought the oldest sibling had to to it. Not some stranger." She sounded really disappointed, that made me let out a tear.

    "Maddie let Eistyn do it because I wasn't here to. I was really mad at Maddie, and I didn't want to see her." It was the truth, I really was mad at Maddie. She was mad at me to, but she let a stranger turn our little sister.

      "Why were you guys fighting?" she looked up into my eyes and wiped her tears away with her sleeve.

      "Its not important right now." I tried to sound reassuring, but failed.

    "I'm going to find out sooner or later." she whispered to herself not expecting an answer.

     "I rather you find out later." she looked at me confused. I gave her the look the said 'no more questions'.


   Icess asked me to leave so she could go back to reading. That put me in shock. Icess was just crying because she didn't get to see me one night, now she's trying to push me away. She's 14 I get it, but still. She was hiding something, something bad. I immediately here the song 'Heartbreaker Girl' by 5SOS (5 seconds of summer)

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