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When I woke up again, I was outside, in someone's arms. I guess I didn't sleep that long. I saw Eistyn looking in the direction of my house. We were swaying side to side, going along with the wind. He looked down at me, we exchanged smiles and he looked back at my house.

      "I know how you feel." Eistyn spoke softly and put his chin on my head.

     "What are you talking about?" I laid my head on his chest. I was starting to get uncomfortable, not because of him, but because we had been standing in the same spot for about 20 minutes.

      "Maddie killed your mother, I know. I know how you feel because. .... Holly killed our father." He squeezed me tighter. I felt like a stress ball in someone's hands, I was squished.

     "Too tight." I managed to get out, and he released me. I can't believe Holly killed her own father. I guess you really can't judge a book until you start to read it. I backed away from Eistyn and looked in the same direction as him. I said what I was thinking.

     "I guess you can't judge a book until you start to read it." I spoke low, but loud enough for him to hear.

    "What does that mean?" He asked watching me sit down on the grass. We were at the top of the waterfall on the left side where there was green grass. On the right side, there were rocks and stones.

     "You can't judge someone until you get to know them. Only then you will know what book your reading. Or if you don't understand that, it means only then you will know what kind of person your dealing with."

     "Dealing with? Or friends with?" Eistyn spoke, finally understanding what I was saying, he sat down next to me. It was quiet for a second.

     "How do you think Justin will react when he finds out?" Eistyn asked me looking down at his hands, me doing the same. How will he react? Will he be happy? Maybe he had a bad relationship with his dad. Just thinking about Justin's future reaction made me remember my mom, making me cry. Eistyn watched as each tear fell off of my eyelashes, on to the grass. He took my hand, making me look at him.

     "You don't need to cry." His voice was soothing, like always.

       "I know." It was hard to speak. I had a lump in my throat from trying to keep my tears in.

      "What?" He looked at me concerned.

     "Crying doesn't solve anything. It doesn't cure heartbreak, it doesn't help you forget horrible things. It makes your heartbreak worse, and it reminds you of bad things, dreams......people. People cry because of pain, hurt, everything bad. We rarely cry for joy. There's so much hate everywhere, we forget about happy times, then we end up crying again because we know the memories are over. When you leave someone behind, you realize how much you miss that person because you end up making other friends. You cry because you know that eventually you'll forget that person. That's what it feels like right now." I kept my voice low. I didn't want to cry, its to painful.

    "You left a best friend behind at the orphanage? Who was she?" Once again concern filled his voice.

    "Um her name was Kassie. Aside from Maddie, I never left her side. But she got adopted, now I don't know where she is." I started to tear up at the thought. Why? I just gave Eistyn a lecture on crying and now I was about to cry. I stood up, dusting off the back of my jeans. I folded my arms across my chest. I walked around a little bit, sticks and leaves crushing in my path.

      "Do you wanna do something?" Eistyn got up and caught up to me. I was now at the bottom of the waterfall. I kept walking forward, deeper into the woods.

     "What do you have in mind?" I asked him challenging, hoping it was something fun.

     "We can grab a bit, then take a walk." He suggests

      "How about a bit and a view?" A bit and a view is when you 'grab a bit' and go somewhere that's high up, and just talk. I was thinking of the mountains.

      "Sure. Sounds fun." He said with a warming smile.

      "Wanna make it interesting?" I looked at Eistyn with a smirk, which he returned.

      "I'm listening."

     "First one to find dinner wins, and gets to pick the view." I said glaring at him.

      "Let the hunting begin." He looked at me and smiled.

   We both ran at same speed into town. We both saw the same person, a guy in his 20's with black hair and brown eyes. Eistyn tries to 'sneak attack' but I just jumped and bit him. I didn't care if Eistyn saw me, feeding like an animal. Who cared? I drained him dry.

      "I win." I simply said wiping my mouth, and walking past him.

      "Okay, you pick the place." Eistyn through his hands up, as if surrendering, then he followed me to the waterfall.

     "Back here again?" He questioned as if he were sick of the place.

     "No we're going to the mountains." I pointed up to the mountain that was in front of us. He was getting ready to jump up when I grabbed his shirt from the back, nearly choking him.

     "What was that for?!"

   "For being stupid. The mountain is too high for us to jump." I said pointing up.

     "Then how do you suggest we get up there, miss genius?" He said putting his hands on his hips. I pointed to the tree that was behind him, he turned around.

    "I am not climbing no tree." he said waving a finger. Trying to act sassy like girls on drama movies and shows.

    "We don't need to climb it." I out my palm out, and shrunk the tree for us to get on. Of course, Eistyn was being a chicken, and didn't want to get on.

    "Come on its not gonna hurt you." I gave him a smirk and offered my hand, he didn't take it, but he was scared.

    "Hold on." I looked at him, smiled then winked. I made the tree grow again, stopping at the top. I was the first to get off, surprisingly.

     "Come on, we don't have all night." I looked at him and pleaded like a little girl who wanted a Barbie from the toy store. He finally got off the tree, leaping on the mountain. I went to sit down, but I ended up almost losing my life. I went to sit down but my foot slipped, in a split second, I was dangling over the mountain, only held up by my fingers, that were slipping.

     "Eistyn! Help me!" He snapped out of his thoughts and rushed over to me.

     "Give me your hand!" he yelled

    "No! I'm gonna slip!" I yelled back. I think the only reason were yelling was because my life was on the line.

     "Trust me." He didn't yell, just.... spoke calmly. He looked in my eyes, mine were so full of fear, but his.... they had everything in them except for fear. They always.. I gave him my hand and he pulled me up. Once I was on my feet, I sunk into his arms. Pulling him tight for a hug, that I wanted to last forever. I almost slipped off a mountain, I needed someone.    

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