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Eistyn and I walked to the waterfall in silence. Well, I walked in silence, Eistyn went on and on about what Maddie might do to us. When Eistyn and I got to the waterfall, I saw Maddie soften as Eistyn walked up, but when I came from behind him, Maddie gripped the knife. I swear it looked like she was gonna break the handle.

   "Its about time you show up." She was speaking to me with a little tone, but I returned it.

   "I wanted to say bye to Icess. At least I had a chance and choice to." I was talking about mom.

   "Winter. Don't start this, not in front of Eistyn."

   "You think he doesn't know?"

   "You told him?! You just can't keep your mouth shut can you? First you tell Holly then Icess and now Eistyn? " She was mad. Who cared? She didn't know the truth, but she was about to find out.

   "Eistyn knew because of Justin, Justin knew because of his gift, Ice knew because she read moms files, and Holly saw you do it." Maddie went wide-eyed. All of it was true, but Maddie didn't believe that. Eistyn took my hand, making me look down. He pulled away before I released what he was doing. Maddie had just charged at me with the knife, and Eistyn jumped in front of me. Maddie nearly killed him, she almost hit him. right. in. the. heart. He fell to the ground, whimpering in pain.

   "No! What did you do?!" I screamed at Maddie as she looked down at Eistyn.

    "I-I- I didn't mean to." She started to cry and she ran back home. Wow. Talk about self centered, she almost killed her boyfriend and she ran home crying?!

  "Please, please, please,please." I kept whispering and chanting the same thing. I didn't want him to die. I put my hand on his chest,

  "Heal." I said. He stopped bleeding a little but it kept coming.

   "Winter... Y-you can't h-heal me." He looked at me, which made my eyes tear up.

   "Yes. Yes I can." I wanted to have faith, I wanted him to have faith, but he didn't want it.

  "No." He took my hand and pushed it away. I knew he might die. Right there in front of me, and he didn't want me to heal him.

   "You said you would stay forever. You promised." I looked down at my bloody hands.

   "I will stay. But I will be gone for now, but come back soon. That's when forever will be."

  "No! You can't leave me. You can't leave! We all love you, Icess and Holly and Justin. We all love you."

  "I will come back soon. I love you beautiful." His eyes dropped down, and so did my heart. He let out his last breath, and just laid there. I started to cry. Dark clouds rolled in. Thunder boomed, lighting flashed, and the rain came down hard. Soaking both of us, and the ground beneath us. I picked him up, carrying him in my arms through the rain. Once we got back to Holly's, everyone was still gone. I placed towels on his bed before putting him in it. He was a corpse.

   "I love you too." I stroked a piece of hair out of his face, turning off the light, and walking out. Closing the door behind me.


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