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It was about 1:30am when I felt a hard poke in my cheek. I knew it was Maddie, and I wanted to sleep. She knew that, but she didn't care.

      "Winter.. psst, Winter"

     "Talk to me in the morning"

  "Hey! Sally sunshine it is morning."

   "Maddie what do you want."

Maddie told me about how she was worried about someone. I was actually happy knowing that the person wasn't me. It was Holly Bakerton. I growled at Maddie, which was something I never did. She didn't looked shocked. Holly Bakerton was the girl I truly wanted to feed on when Maddie took me to the mall. She was evil. She wasn't very bright either. She had hazelnut eyes and hair, she also has a coconut milk colored streak where she had died her hair last fall. We hated each other. Maddie didn't understand. Holly was an orphan, it was hard to believe considering she had money and fancy clothes and was the 'popular' girl. She was very pretty. She tried to ruin my life when I came to the orphanage. That was gonna change.

       "Wintera WinterWood you are not gonna use your abilities to hurt that girl."

I ignored Maddie, who knew I was lost in thought.

     "You are not going to hunt her either."

   "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get dressed we are going somewhere." It was now about 10:30 in the morning.

   Before I let her speak, I shoved her out of my room. I turned on the shower. When I was done I put on my new outfit. A purple and black checkered shirt, dark blue jeans, and my turquoise and gray vans. I ran around my room at vampire speed to dry my hair. It worked. I hadn't even noticed that Maddie was standing at my doorway. I stopped in front of her.

       "Are you ready?"

I didn't wait for an answer as I put her on my back, piggy-back style. In less then two minutes, we were standing in front of a building. The sign read, 'Ms. Megain's orphanage'

          We were home. This was the building that Maddie and I grew up up in for the past 12 years.

      "Winter.. y-you brought me..... h-here? W-why."

    She was so speechless. I read her mind. It looked liked there was a tornado inside her head, I couldn't tell if she was, happy, sad, or mad. One thing was definitely for sure, she was speechless.

          We made our way inside. Shrieks and cries of relief were heard as soon as we walked inside the building. As we stopped at the front desk, Maddie's phone buzzed, then mine. We were a little more then a foot away when we both paused in our path. Maddie bursted out in tears while running out of the building. I stood there. Not knowing what to do. I walked out, finding Maddie sitting, with her back against the side of the building. Mom. She had died. More like murdered. It was Holly's fault. How did she know? Maddie was a mess, I sat down next to her and put a hand on her knee.

      "What's wrong with you?!" she asked sounding mad as ever. I just looked at her.

       "Your not crying, its like you don't care at all."

        "Maddie I'm holding my tears back for a reason."

I wasn't holding them back any more. Maddie had stopped crying instead, she was watching me cry. She was so surprised. I was crying blood. One after the other, they came out red. I had stopped, and I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. Maddie read my mind, I was saying: 'I'm gonna kill Holly. I'm gonna drain her.' My fangs came out and my eyes were as red as cherries. I got up and put Maddie on my back and started running home. I herd Maddie crying softly into my shoulder. I came to a sudden stop then put Maddie down, we were at the waterfall. In an instant I jumped to the top of a tree. I used my powers to make it grow taller. Then I stopped, I herd the crushing of leaves, it wasn't Maddie. I looked down, it was a long fall. I jumped, landing swiftly next to Maddie. I snuck up behind her and put my hand over her mouth, and jumped to the top of the tree again. Maddie didn't bother screaming. It was her. Holly Bakerton. I set Maddie on a tree branch and jumped off the tree, landing behind Holly. Maddie sent me a mind message, 'take me home, I don't wanna watch this.' I jumped back up and picked Maddie up, and ran home. When Maddie went to bed I ran back to the waterfall. When I stopped, I was face to face with Holly. She had a smirk on her face, her expression  remained the same as my eyes turned cherry red. She didn't seem to be afraid. It was weird.

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