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When Maddie and I said we had to get home before sunset, he looked sad.

   "You could sleep over at my place?" Foxy asked looking down at his feet. Maddie and I looked at each other and shrugged.

   "I don't see why not. Lead the way." I looked away from Maddie and nodded Foxy towards the waterfall behind him. Instead of going up, he went the opposite way. He was headed towards The Wolf Territory aka TWT. TWT is where not many vampires go. Wolves have their territory, and vampires had theirs. I had heard past stories on how wolf blood tastes like magic. Not that it's powerful, just that it tastes better then human blood. I guess I would have to find out myself.

   "Where are you going?" Maddie asked, clear of where he was going.

    "I thought we were *gag* going to my place?" Foxy spoke in between gags. Throwing up afterwards.

    "That's wolf territory." Maddie sais pointing in his direction.

    "Wolf territory?" Foxy asked, not having a clue what was going on.

    "These woods have two parts. One for vampires and the other for wolves and other creatures. Very few vampires go into wolf territory every year because their idiots. No wolves have ever came over here." I said. Hopping that he understood the danger he was putting Maddie and I in.

"Why hasn't any wolves came over here?" Foxy asked, obviously confused.

"If a vampire goes on wolf territory, then wolves can kill the vampire and they can't fight back. It's the same with our part, a wolf comes over here and any vampire can kill it." Maddie spoke, answering Foxy's question.

"We'll go. If you really want us to." I put a hand on Foxy's shoulder and he froze. He looked down at my hand then back up at me. I pulled my hand back slowly, unaware of what he might do.

"Well anyways, mind if we go home and grab somethings?" Maddie asked, breaking a silence between the three of us.

"No, go ahead." Maddie and I looked at each other as we ran in different directions.

When I got home, I stormed into Holly's room and got some clothes. I grabbed pink and black pants from the pile of clothes that were neatly stacked neatly on her bed, along with a black long sleeve shirt. I grabbed my backpack and threw the clothes in along with other necessities. I threw on a one of Eistyn's jackets that somehow found its way into Holly's room. I put the hood up over my head and slung my backpack over my shoulder, turned off the light and shut the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" Eistyn asked running in front of me and spun me around.

"Put me down." I said casually as he set me down and watched me walk down the hall to the staircase.

"Where are you going?" Eistyn called after me, running down the stairs.

"Out!" I called back at him before slamming the front door by accident.

Maddie and Foxy were still at the circle, waiting.

"Look who decided to show up." Maddie said standing up. What a brat.

"Your brother is nosy." I said walking to Foxy and Maddie.

"Get used to it, he's gonna be your husband soon." Maddie said doing a little skip in place. What was she so happy about? We were gonna stay sisters no matter what happened.

"Don't remind me. Look, we should go now, Maddie and I can't fight once we're on wolf ground." I looked over at Foxy who was on all fours choking up blood.

"Hey, fox boy. You alright?" Maddie yelled at him, although we weren't far away from him. Foxy nodded 'yes' and stood up.

"Don't worry. Once the wolves see me, I don't think they'll mess with you." Foxy said with an evil smile. Even though he had darkness in his voice and evil on his face, his eyes were soft and kind. I couldn't believe it. The same fox that had dark hatred in his eyes now had the look of love.

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