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Justin and I must have stayed like that forever. When I moved, Justin moved with me. I couldn't take it any more. I felt like a statue and Hunger was sweeping over my body, fast, like ocean weaves on a sandy beach. Only, Hunger was more powerful.

"Justin, I'm sorry but I need to feed." I nudged him off me as we stood up.

"Yeah you do. How long has it been since you've fed?" He asked. Placing a finger under my chin, and lifted my head to examine my fangs that came out with no warning.

"About, almost... Two weeks." I said taking my head back. He placed the pad of his thumb under my eye and gently pulled down. Justin's eyes got bigger as he revealed a little more of my eye. My eyes weren't a strawberry red like they were when I didn't feed for a day. And they were definitely not even rose red. They were blood shot. I had gone to long without feeding, and I wasn't going to pay the price. I feel bad for the people I'm going to feed on, but they're going to die anyway.

"Winter? Can I give you something?" I heard Maddie. She had some nerve.

"Maddie. Get back!" Justin yelled at Maddie, but she put on a smirk. Thanks to Justin shooving me back, I almost fell. I'm thankful that I didn't.

"Justin. It's fine. Go see where Eistyn went, I can handle this." I ended up spitting a little because of the fact that my fangs were getting longer. Mom told me that the longer you let Hunger control you, the longer your fangs will get -so that way when you do hunt, you get blood faster.

"You have nerve, y'know that?" I said.

"Yeah. So I've heard. I actually brought you two things." Maddie said, throwing a blood bag in my direction. I caught the bag, and just looked at it. It was definitely fresh. Through the plastic, I could feel the warm and thick substance. I opened the bag, and put it up to my mouth. It felt like my fangs were going to fall out of my mouth because of the Hunger. The Hunger in my aching stomach said 'drink it, you'll die if you don't.' On the other hand, Justin's annoying voice rang through my head, telling me not to drink it.

'I'll die if I don't! ' I screamed back at Justin through mind message.

'What if she did something to it?!' He yelled back.

'I don't care at the moment!' I screamed my final words and tuned him out. Blood is blood, and when it comes to blood, the Hunger will do anything for it. I poured the blood into my mouth. It burned like fire and stung like hundreds to thousands of scorpions in my mouth. My body tickled as the hot and warm substance made it's way down to my stomach. Mom also warned me about side effects that could happen after drinking blood after a long Hunger. It felt like millions of ants were crawling all over my body. Up my legs, down my arms, criss-cross on my face, it was horrible. It kept rolling down my throat, swallow after swallow after swallow. The Hunger, of course, was finally almost half way gone. Fine with me as long as I didn't feel like I was being stabbed with daggers in the stomach.

"What's the real reason that you came here?" I asked as she stepped closer.

"I have something to give you. An early wedding present." Maddie pulled a box from behind her back, I started to wonder how she was able to hide it. I stepped closer, slowly. I opened the lid and my mouth dropped to the ground when I saw the object. A medal wristband with two sharp blades on top. Maddie knew I had wanted this since I found out I was a vampire. It must've took a fortune.

"Well... Put it on." She lifted it out of the box and I extended my arm. She slid it on my hand and fastened the strap that was on the bottom. I clenched my fingers around the cold medal that supported my hand. It felt like something you'd wear if you broke your wrist, only more wicked. The wristband was silver, along with the two pointed blades that curved over the top of my hand.

"Maddie.. I love you." I wanted to give her a hug so bad, but in order to that I would have to take the blade off.

"Come here. Give me a hug, but don't you dare cut me with that thing." Maddie walked to me and I gave her a one-hand hug. We stopped and froze. Somewhere off in the distance, a mountain climber had gotten a cut in his hand. Both Maddie and I inhaled deeply then let it out slowly.

"Male, 5"6', blonde hair, blue eyes." Maddie said with desperation to feed.

"The cut is deep, I can smell it." A small breeze swept Maddie's and I's hair away from our face, and we both inhaled then exhaled once again.

"Ready to put that thing to the test?" Maddie said nodding her head to my wristblade.

"Yeah. Lets go." We both ran in the direction of the mountain climber. My Hunger got strong again, and I could tell that Maddie had Hunger in her system as she ran. The smell of blood got stronger as we got closer. I grabbed Maddies wrist, yanking her back to a stop.

"What?! He's up there!" She snapped, pointing up.

"Let me kill him." I said smiling, Maddie following with an evil grin.

"Go ahead." She said as we walked to the bottom of the mountain. I jumped up and started climbing. I had no idea what I was gonna do, I only knew that it would get messy.

'You have no clue what to do, do you?' Maddie questioned in my head. 'I've never hunted so violently.' I said, voice shaky and nervous.

'Pull him down here, and I'll show you what to do.' Maddie spoke reassuringly as I started to climb up, so settling next to the climber on his left side. Just like Maddie said, I pulled him down. His body fell to the ground with a light thud. He was breathless, useless, helpless. Perfect. I jumped back to where Maddie was and watched her from a distance.

"You better get down here, he's your feed." Maddie yelled to me as I slowly walked over to her and the climber.

"Now, just-" Maddie started but I cut her off.

"My catch, my way to kill." I felt the fire burn in my eyes as I nearly screamed at Maddie. Maddie through her hands in the air, as if to say, 'your catch, don't kill me'.

I walked over to Maddie and got rope from the backpack she took everywhere. I walked back to the guy who was gasping for breath helplessly on the ground. I took his hands and tied them first, then tied his feet. My fangs were out and the Hunger was getting stronger. Maddie walked over and watched my every move. I slit his throat on the left with the blade and began to feed. I lowered my lips to his neck and sucked where it was slit. I immediately pulled back and started gagging. His blood type was horrible. I fell to my knee's, choking on his blood. It tasted awful.

"You can have him." I said trying to stand up but fell back to my knee's.

"He tastes that bad?" She really seemed surprised because neither of us ever gave up our feed. He tasted of dirt and sweat and all gross things.

"Mind if I use that thing?" Maddie asked shyly, nodding to my left wrist.

"Yeah. Just kill him." I said, gagging afterwards. I got up and gave Maddie the wristblade. I decided to just watch, so I just went and leaned on a tree. I heard a stick break, then the tree shaked but I paid no attention to it. When Maddie had the blade on, she got right to work. She started by draining his blood dry. She made four long, deep, bloody cuts. Vampires are never able to get every single drop out of a human, there will definitely be blood left. Maddie made one long cut on both of the climbers arms. The guy started to scream, which shocked both Maddie and I. He didn't make a pep when I was feeding, but then again, I didn't do much. Maddie got on her knee's and picked up the guys arm. The climber looked pail and more helpless then before. Maddie lowered her lips and started to drain him more and more. I watched silently from the tree, lost in thought. Some of the leaves crunched out of nowhere. I stayed still, butterflies finding their way around my stomach. I closed my eyes and wondered who or what was there.

The screams slowly began to die down as Maddie finished. When she was finished with the second arm, she stood up.

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