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Holly and I stared at the screen. Our mouths were dropped and our eyes reading the message over and over and over again. My phone rang with a follow up message, again from Maddie.

           You did something I told you not to do....... now something might happen to her or to you.


I turned my phone off, I'm spending the day with Holly and that's that, I'm not gonna let Maddie ruin this for me over text. Holly and I started to walk into town, we stopped and bought two matching heart diamond  studded necklaces at our favourite jewelry store, Tinkerbell. Then we stopped at Charlette Rouse. Holly bought me a pink diamond dress with a cream and gold colored purse. I bought her mint green shorts, a red shirt and purple earrings. We went into a few other stores before deciding to walk home. We took turns carrying the bags. I gave Holly the bags and gave her a piggy-back ride half way there, then we switched.

  Holly invited me to her house so we had to walk past the woods, making the trip longer. We decided to stop at the waterfall, it didn't matter how far her house was, we were the fastest creatures in the world. Holly and I jumped to the top of the waterfall. The view was breath taking, watching the light blue and turquoise water at the top being pulled by gravity on the way down into navy blue water below. The waterfall felt like the only place that Maddie couldn't send me mind messages. All of a sudden my hand grasps Holly's arm and my eyes turned completely white. I was seeing the future.


Maddie was mad that I was with Holly. She grabbed a kitchen knife and stormed out of the house. She was gonna hurt us, no, she was gonna hurt Holly.

                   *END OF VISION*

I told Holly what I saw and what was going to happen if we didn't leave. I grabbed all the bags and jumped on Holly's back. She was a new born, she could run faster then me and I didn't know where she lived. Holly stopped at her front door, apparently she wasn't an orphan any more. Maddie sent me a mind message, 'I warned you' she said. So I decided to tell her something I probably should''ve, 'and I ignored you, you dont get it. When I touch Holly, I don't get mind messages.' With that said, I put my hand on Holly's shoulder. She knew what was happening and she didn't mind. We made our way to the waterfall knowing Maddie would be there, we took caution in every step we took. Holly was brave, but she still had a dark shadow of worry on her face.

         "Holly it's okay, she's not gonna hurt you. You don't know what I'm capable of, but your about to find out." Before Holly spoke, we saw Maddie in a distance. Holly pointed up to a tree, thinking that we could jump to the top. It was to high to jump up on, I put a hand out ,bringing it down slowly causing the tree to shrink. Holly looked bewildered as we jumped to the top, then I made the tree grow again.

          "So, you can make things grow and shrink, huh?" Holly's voice was in a hushed tone.

         "That's not all I can do, trust me." My voice was normal, Maddie was to far away to hear us. We continued jumping from tree to tree until we reached the waterfall. I shrunk the tree a little bit because we were still to high up. Maddie looked at us with anger in her eyes as her hand gripped the kitchen knife. With the expression on my face Holly took my hand knowing what was going through my head. Of course, Holly spoke up breaking a never ending silence between my sister and I.

         "You guys don't need to do this." Concern and worry was in her eyes and in her voice.

       "Holly stay out of this!" Maddie had spoken up. Holly was now behind me.

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