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I woke up the next morning with a small string of light in my eyes. I was still curled up against Foxy, with his arm still on my stomach. How was it morning? We went to sleep only a few hours ago, and where's Maddie?

"Good morning my princess." I heard Foxy's voice croak as I turned over to face him.

"Morning." I let out a sigh as I sat up.

"Someone's not happy for today." Foxy followed my actions as I curled up against him once again, loving the warmth that his body provided.

"I don't want to fight my father." I rested my head on Foxy's shoulder as he pulled a blanket over me.

"You also don't want him to be disappointed in you." Foxy sounded convincing, as always. I shook my head no. Foxy started talking about how my father would be disappointed in me because he always thought that I would be one to fight. I was, just not my family. I couldn't bring myself to fight my father, but I had to.

"Why do I have to fight?" Foxy let out a long and loud sigh before answering.

"Because your idiot ex doesn't know how to fight. Come on, let's get ready." Foxy got up and headed towards a baby crib.

"Why now? I thought we were supposed to start at dusk." I followed Foxy to the crib to see what he was getting.

"Yes, we are but you need to feed and train." Foxy opened a little pouch that was made of leather. A dagger. No way! My mouth dropped in awe as he handed it to me.

"You expect me to learn how to fight in a day?" I asked as I waved the dagger around, loving how the blade captured the light.

"With what you're already capable of? Yes, I do. You act like you're not aware of what you can do, didn't anyone ever teach you?" Foxy had curiosity written all over his face.

"Not acting. Mom was supposed to teach me but she, well you know. Then it was Maddie's responsibility, but I ran away and she didn't know how to anyway. When I did come back, or before I left, Maddie taught me how to use my gift's." By the look in Foxy's face, I knew what he was about to say.

"She was not a very good teacher. I can fix that." Foxy had plastered a grin on is face, but I just looked down.

"I can't fight a long time. If we are going to train, I'm going to need a lot of blood for tonight." I had almost died because of that. I practiced my abilities for about four hour's before I was on my knee's, crying in agony. That wasn't going to stop Foxy, we were going to train no matter what.

Foxy went out of the nursery and wondered around the hospital while I got dressed. I put on a purple t-shirt, dark blue jeans and vans. All the blood was driving me crazy, and my fangs were out. I was tying my hair in a ponytail when I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." The handle went down and the door opened slightly.

"Hi." Eistyn. It was Eistyn. Boy, did he have nerves.

"What are you doing here?" I backed up against a baby crib, grabbing the dagger and hiding it behind my back.

"I came to see you." Eistyn took a step forward and I clutched the dagger handle harder.

"You shouldn't be here. You need to go." I lowered my arm, revealing the dagger at my side. He didn't notice it.

"Will I see you at the battle." His voice came out more demanding then questioning. Lie. Just lie.

"Eistyn, I said go. You're not safe here." He walked closer and I held the dagger up. He didn't seemed to surprised as he looked at the dagger in my right hand.

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