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I felt faint I fell down on my hands and knees, holding my stomach. It felt as if a I was being stabbed over and over in the stomach. I cried and yelled in pain. Maddie heard me from the house, she came and helped me stand up over and over. I couldn't hold my own weight, I was to weak. Maddie was now kneeling next to me, offering her neck. My fangs were already out and my eyes were as red as ever. I bit her, hard. She let out a loud scream. She was sending me another mind message. "Stop, please stop. You're hurting me." I had to pull away, I did. She was panting. She looked worse then when I caused her pain. I looked at her, she looked so........lifeless........ I did what I didn't know I could do. I put my hand on her heart, knowing that it was the place that was hurting. She was almost crying now. I closed my eyes, and said another simple word,

"Heal." My voice was shaking, considering that I had almost drained my best friend- my sister, was dying because of me. Once I said 'heal', she perked up, the two bloody punctures in her neck were gone, she wasn't pale, she wasn't lifeless. She was her. I had drank to much, but she was fine now.

       "Winter, what happened to you." She questioned.

"I was practicing making snow then making it disappear, I ran out of energy so fast." I said, shaking my head.

      "Winter, how long were you using your powers?" Maddie looked concerned, but then again, she always did.

     "I don't know, probably 30 minutes?" I didn't know what else to say. It could've been longer,I wasn't sure.

     "That's too long, you can't use your abilities so much at one time.Your hunger will overcome you, you almost drank me dry!" She said, laughing afterwards.

     "It won't happen again, knowing that I could heal you." I assured her, smiling.

And with that incident, Maddie wouldn't leave my side. She was over protective. I understood how she felt. The only time she was really over protective was when we went somewhere, when I used my powers, and when I used my powers in public. Sometimes she was fun. Sometimes we would use my abilities to mess with people by the inside water fountain. Other times...... She hated me using my powers, no matter where we where.   

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