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I woke up the next morning with someone shaking me, and chanting my name. I shot up, my eyes nearly popped out and I was panting.

"Are you okay? What did you see? Talk to me, talk to me!" Foxy pulled me in for a hug and I started crying uncontrollably. Tears of red stained my cheeks, making them burn.

"Shh. It's okay, you're okay. Calm down. What did you see?" Foxy pulled me tighter and rubbed little circles on my back, hoping it would calm me.

"I-I-I s-saw you!" I cried harder in Foxy's arms. Without looking at him, I could tell his expression was worried and hurt. He continued to rub small little circles on my back, slowly making me calm. I tried to catch my breath, but tears came instead.

"You'll be okay. What else did you see?" Foxy moved closer to me as we sat in silence on the bed, aside from me weeping.

"Y-you were h-holding the babies, b-but." I couldn't finish my sentence, it hurt to much. I pulled Foxy tighter in the hug and buried my face deeper in his chest. Clouds quickly gathered in the sky, before dropping heavy and fast raindrops.

"But what? Talk to me love, talk to me." Foxy's voice alone calmed me down, I pulled away and looked down at my hands.

"They were dead. Eistyn had killed them." I started crying again, only more soft and quiet. Foxy pulled me into his arms once more and I started crying again.

"He's not going to touch them. They'll be fine, we'll protect them." Foxy let out a tear and started to cry with me.

"What if he does?" I pulled away and played with my ring.

"He'll be the one who'd be dead." Foxy spoke with courage, although he tried to hide the sadness in his eyes. It was now pouring outside, thanks to me.

"Come on, you should go back to sleep." It wasn't morning, it was midnight. Foxy went to cover me up and lay down next to me but when he did, I clung to him.

"Please don't make me sleep. Please." I wrapped my arm's around Foxy's stomach and he let his arm drape around my shoulder. We were laying so close together, it just didn't seem close enough.

"You don't have to. Shh, you're going to be okay." Foxy let out a tear and turned over on his side, facing me. Our fore heads were almost touching as Foxy placed a hand on the side of my stomach, smiling down.

"Why didn't I meet you sooner?" I put my hand over Foxy's as we stared at each other. He always knew how much I loved his eye's, it wasn't really any secret.Foxy meant so much to me, and I to him.

"Because we were late." Foxy looked at me instead of my stomach and smiled his amazing smile.

 "We were, late?" What did he mean by late?

"We were late by meeting each other, otherwise we would be married by now and not just engaged." Foxy kept smiling as he watched a strawberry red glow jump on my cheek's. So what? Engaged meant that you're almost married, which we were.

"I wish we had met before you had to go through everything." Foxy's smile faded as he squeezed his eye's shut.

"What do you mean?" My voice sounded drowsy but didn't dare go back to sleep, not after the dream.

"With Maddie killing your mother, and Eistyn turning his back on you and nearly killing the people that you love the most." He opened is eye's again and looked at me. His eye's were filled with tears, why? What did he know?

"I know how Eistyn shot Icess and Justin, nearly killing them. I know about the dreams you had. The one that really made me cry was the one when Maddie had stabbed Holly, I know how much she means to you. Justin as well. I know how he is like a brother you will never have. I felt your pain when you found out that Maddie killed your mother, how your emotions mixed. How you didn't know whether to be mad or sad or devastated.You cried so much. You've been through so much. How do you handle it? You always seem so strong and full of courage, along with hope. You fight so much, but never give up." A tear slipped out of Foxy's eye, one of my own following after.

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