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As Foxy got closer to Morgan, her expression remained confident. Foxy jumped on her, attacking. I dropped to my knee's and my eye's turned a faint red, instead of white. I started to scream as Foxy started to claw at Morgan's back and face. They tumbled into the circle and Foxy pinned Morgan down on the ground. He started to punch her, not knowing it was really hurting me and not her. I felt everything Morgan felt. I felt Foxy dig his nail's in Morgan's skin, leaving deep gashes in my skin. The cuts were back on Foxy as he continued to attack Morgan.

"If I live through this, I'll kill her!" Morgan yelled, with my screams following. Cut's made their way on my face as bruises made their appearance on my arms as blood started to drip from the corner of my mouth. Foxy started to claw harder and deeper into Morgan's skin, only for it to hurt me.

"That is, if you live through this. Which you won't." Foxy got off Morgan and bit her arm. I screamed even louder as bite marks formed on my arm. He was hurting me, and didn't even know it. He got a spare rope from one of the bodies that was still hanging up in a tree. He tied Morgan's feet, then tied her paws above her head. My ankle's immediately went together, they were held by nothing but I couldn't separate them. My hands pulled away from my stomach and went over my head. I felt so useless, and I wasn't even the one who was being attacked. I saw Morgan, smiling as she looked over at me. It almost seemed impossible. I was seeing everything that Foxy did, and felt everything Morgan did. Foxy lowered his head to Morgan's stomach as he bit a piece of her stomach off. The pain was unexplained as I let out another ear piercing scream. I saw all the blood and organ's that was inside of Morgan, but none came out of the deep and horrid gash. I felt a warm substance pool over my shirt. Blood. How was I bleeding and no one had laid a finger on me. Icess had knelled down, only to back away once she saw the condition I was in. My eye's teared up as tears of blood stained my cheek's, one after the other.

The pain continued on, but only got worse. Foxy ended up puking blood into Morgan's mouth. I felt Foxy's warm blood in my mouth as it stung my tongue and set a burning fire in my throat. Foxy was looking down at Morgan, a satisfying grin on her face. She knew I was suffering, but Foxy did not. He started to skin her, like he did all of his other prey. I started screaming again, feeling a deep burn. Nothing was happening to me, I still had skin but it felt like it was being torn away. Foxy kept peeling and I kept screaming. Morgan was all bone and organs. Maddie had finally decided to speak up when Foxy was almost done with Morgan.

"Foxy! Stop, you're not actually hurting Morgan. You're hurting Winter." Maddie yelled. Foxy had been stuffing himself with Morgan's meat, not a lot was there but he had eaten her alive. Foxy puked in her mouth, which ended up in mine. I felt his blood burn my tongue and how it stung my throat. Foxy put his hand in Morgan's mouth and down her throat, as if looking for something. Foxy looked up and dropped what was in his hand and ran over to me. He dropped to his knee's. Foxy's cut's were gone, but Morgan's blood remained in his mouth.

"Winter. I am so sorry, I had no idea that I was hurting you and not Morgan." Foxy put a hand on my stomach, quickly pulling back as I let out another horrifying shriek. Everyone's mouth dropped when they saw my eye's turn black.

"I hate you! I will always hate you!" I yelled, a scream following after. My eyes closed, but I wasn't finished yet. I opened my eyelid's just a little, and looked Foxy in the eye's.

"Always." I said and released my last breath from my parted lips. I could still hear everyone so clearly, but yet I felt as if I couldn't move at all.

"S-She's gone. It's all my fault!" I heard Foxy start to cry into his heads before someone else started to speak up.

"No. She's not gone, she has a heartbeat." Icess spoke and someone pressed their ear up against my chest and someone touch my wrist, finding a pulse.

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