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I waited. For a sound. A breath. Nothing came. Holly, Icess and Justin came back, when they saw Eistyn's corpse, they cried. Except for Justin, he looked at Eistyn then walked out of the room. I followed him outside where he was sitting on a bench. I just stood there, watching him. Just like I did Eistyn.

   "You can come sit down if you want to." He looked out in a distance, but nodded his head to a space next to him for me to sit. I walked over and sat on the bench awkwardly.

  "I know I might not understand how your feeling, but I know what its like to lose someone."

   "Not twice." He looked at me with tears of blood rushing down his face.

   "No, but once I do."

   "I didn't get to say bye to him." He looked away, down at his hands.

   "I told him for you. He told me that he will come back soon. I don't know what that means, but I have hope." I looked down at my hands as well.

   "You know, before my father was killed, I said bye to him. It didn't feel right though."

  "Me and Icess didn't get to say bye to our mother, that's why Icess and I are taking this so hard. We lost another person who was special to us."

  "Yeah, I know how you feel. I was Ice's age when Holly killed him. Just as mad, too." He was talking about how Holly killed their father. We got up and walked in the house. It was late, Icess cried herself to sleep, and Holly had just went to bed. She had seen this before, and didn't bother to make a fuss. I walked into Eistyn's bedroom quietly. I talked to him like he was still alive, I just had to stop a lot to chock down my tears.

   "Good night." I took off the necklace he gave me and placed it in his hand. I then shut off the bed-side lamp. He gave that necklace to me, if he's not going to see me wear it I'm not wearing it at all. I sound like a jerk, but I don't want to hold on to the past.


The next morning I wake up and I'm snuggled up on the couch. Somethings on my neck, great the necklace. I touched it and played with it on my fingers, remembering the memories.

    "I put your necklace back on you, I thought you would want it." Justin came and sat in the other end of the couch.

   "I took it off for a reason." I looked down, trying to avoid eye contact.

   "I put it back on for a reason." I looked up as he looked at me with a smirk. I knew what he was doing, he was trying to get me to talk about Eistyn. Which he knew I didn't want to.

   "What reason is that." He continued.

  "I don't want to remember him if he's gone." I looked back down, but couldn't help but to look back up.

  "Why do you focus on the bad in life. Nothing good comes out of it, why not focus on the good."

   "Good always turns to bad."

   "Explain." I looked back down at my hands. I didn't want to talk about this, I didn't need to talk about this.

  "If you don't want yo talk about it, I understand."

  "Not about this."

  "About why your always so quiet? Winter I know why."

  "Then why?" I questioned, I didn't think he'd answer, but he did.

  "You keep your thoughts to yourself. When your in new places with new people, you want to shut them out ad much as you can. You don't like change, but you learn to expect it. You learned over the years that if you let people in, they end up hurting you. And the ones who don't, the ones who say they will stay forever, end up disappointing you." I looked back down, wanting to cry.

   "You can cry. Why do you always keep things bottled up?" Justin continued to talk as I let out a tear. Out of my eye, down my cheek, and on my hand.

  "Crying solves nothing. When we're young, we can fly but we trip on clouds because we get to high. You probably don't know what that means." I let out a little laugh, whipped my eyes and looked back up at him.

   "I do." He said simply and looked at me.

   "When we're young, we dream, making us fly. When we trip on clouds because we dream a lot, that's not bad...... but as we get older, we don't dream as much." Justin continued to talk as he got up and offered his hand to me.

     "Where are we going?" I looked at his hand before taking it.

   "You'll see." He pulled me towards the stares. Once we walked 25 steps up we turned left, and we were standing in front of Eistyn's bedroom door. Justin opened the door and walked in, trying to pull me in.

    "Justin. Please. No." He looked at me. I was scared out of my mind! He looked into my eyes.

   "You'll be fine."

"Okay." If he says so.. We walked inside, seeing Eistyn as a corpse on his bed. I didn't want to be in here. I really didn't.

  "You'll be fine, I promise." All I did was nod my head. What's with everyone promising me stuff? Justin left, and it was me and the corpse. I sat in the chair that was in front of his desk. I just looked at him. He said he would come back. Would he?

  "You promised." I just looked at him. I didn't expect an answer. I took my necklace off and placed it in his hand. Before I placed it, someone burst through the door.

    "Don't!" Justin burst through the door. Making me stop. And pinning me to the ground.

   "What?!" I cried/screamed from shock.

   "We need to take Eistyn."

  "Take him? Take him where?"

  "Maddie knows that Eistyn is still alive, she knows that you love him and he loves you. She doesn't like it, so pack your stuff and we need to leave!" Justin helped me up and got a duffle bag and handed it to me.

   "What about Icess and Holly?" I said following him out of the room.

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