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I was almost there. When I stepped out of the orphanage, I turned the tracking piece on for Maddie's phone. I knew it worked because I was there in less then an hour, clearly Ms. K didn't know how to take a tracking piece out. Maddie wasn't lying, it was an extremely old house in the woods. I did a stupid thing that moment.

           I sent a message to Maddie saying that I was there. Two minutes later the front door opens and Ms. Krilling is standing in the doorway, in the background I can hear Maddie's faint cries for help, but I ignore them as Ms. Krilling motions me in the house.

        "Winter, please, come in." Ms. Krilling told me

       "Hello, Ms. Krilling. I'm sorry, my trip took longer then I expected." I told Ms. K

        Ms. Krilling told me that she would give me one-hundred-thousand dollars if I helped her "get rid of" Maddie. Ms. Krilling told me that I could stay in her office until it was time for me to show myself to Maddie. It's been a week since I've seen Maddie, and I'm not sure if I miss her or not.


         I'm in the office looking through files........... NO WAY! HOW DID WE NOT KNOW!!! That's right I said it, we. As in Maddie and I... I was snooping through files and I see this MADDIE WINTERWOOD. I start reading and it and it turns out that she has a sister, someone named Wintera (win-tear-uh) WINTERWOOD. So I go to the w's and there I find it WINTERA WINTERWOOD aka WINTER WINTERWOOD........ I couldn't believe it, Maddie was my sister. I didn't realize how long I had been engrossed in my own file I hadn't even noticed Ms. Krilling walked in.

       "What do you think your doing?!" She screams.

            "I'm finding out the truth! I actually have a sister, someone to call family." I say, a bit taken back.

          "Winter, if you think that you have family, keep reading. You have more family then you think."

   I kept reading....... Only to find out that Ms. Krilling is my MOTHER!!!!!!!!

    "Your my mother?!" I asked in shock.

    "Yours, Maddie's." She said, nodding towards the doorway.

   "If your my mother then why do you want Maddie, your own daughter, killed?!"

     "Winter, Maddie was a mistake, she wasn't supposed to be born, I only wanted only wanted one child." Her voice sounded bitter as she spoke, no sign of remorse anywhere.

      That was the final straw, I had to tell Maddie we were sisters. But I didn't, I kept reading. Under "species" that was when I really freaked out. I looked at my birth "mother" I could tell in her eyes that my reaction is just what she wanted to see.

       "H-how c-can t-this b-be?! NO!!!! Its not possible!!"

      "Winter, I'm sorry but it is true I'm one too."

      "What about Maddie?"

     "Sorry but I only bit you."

I honestly didn't know what to do. I just found out that I'm a vampire. I ran to the mirror, and opened my mouth. There I saw two little fangs and my eyes suddenly turned a faint red and as my reflection, it was faint as well. I turned to my "mother".

           "Mom? How come  my fangs are so small?" I said it in a faint voice, knowing she would hear it considering she was too a vampire.

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