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As I stood up from the ground, I practicality fell over. Justin caught me just in time though. I started to sway backwards but Justin grabbed my hand, which pulled me into his chest. My head was pounding, and I was in panic. But the one brief moment that my head lay still on his chest, I was calm and relaxed. Just listening to his heart beat pound agenst his chest, I felt calm. Thump, Thump, Thump. I just let my head rest on his chest. He knew that I was scared, he understood. He wrapped his arms around me, and whispered in my ear.

   "C'mon. Lets go." I stayed quiet for a moment, then nodded yes. We walked back to Holly and Icess. Holly was so much like Eistyn, she even looked like him. Except for the eyes, Eistyn's were powerful. Justin. He just didn't seem to fit. Icess was like me, of course. Eyes and powers, everything. Maddie didn't fit anymore. No, not after what she did. I couldn't forgive her. Somehow, Eistyn and I didn't match. He didn't know what it was like to lose someone. Well, he did, but, not like Justin. Justin, also, didn't stab me. We had a spark. I looked over at him. He stared into my eyes. I watched his pupils moved and adjusted to the darkness. I looked closely at the color, in darkness. He was doing the same, he stepped towards me. I could see the dark brown circle in his eyes that separated the color from whiteness. With a lighter shade of brown filling his eye. Someone coughed, making us snap out of each others gaze and onto the person. We both looked up, both of our eyes meeting with the others. The person who coughed was none other than, Eistyn. He was staring at us like he was watching a horror movie. I looked around to see what everyone else was doing, surely they were staring at Justin and I.

   Holly was staring with bug eyes, Icess had a huge grin on her face, Maddie had an evil smile, and Eistyn looked bewildered. Of course he was gonna do that! He thought we were actually going to be together?! I don't think so... I pulled away fast, trying to seem less awkward. I failed. For one moment everyone wasn't thinking about fighting, or killing each other. I looked at the ground, only for my head to be jerked up by the sounds of a shriek. Icess. I looked over to see what had happened. Holly was on the ground, staring blankly at Icess who was under Maddie's grip. Maddie's hand was on Ice's shoulder, stabbing her with the knife in the side. Ice's back was arched in pain, before she came limp on the ground. Eistyn was no help at all, he tied Holly's hands and feet with zip-ties. My worst fear, coming true right in front of me. Eistyn had disappeared, leaving Maddie to to all the work. I went to charge at Maddie when someone came behind me and grabbed my arms. It was Eistyn, he was holding me back. Justin was tied up by Holly, they both had cloth in their mouths. I looked at Icess who was still screaming in pain. Maddie took the knife out of Icess, letting her body go limp. My fangs came out, and my eyes were a dark cherry red. I stomped on Eistyn's foot, hard. He let go of me and and I kicked his chest, making him fall to the ground with a hard thump. I ran towards Maddie, pinning her down.

    "Are you sure you want to do that?" Her fangs had already been out as she hist at me.

    "Positive!" I was practically screaming at her. Oh well.

    "Then look to your right." she was pretty much smiling at the fact that Icess was laying in her own pool of blood. I ran over to Ice, taking her hand and I healed her. I leaned her up against a tree and looked in her eyes.

    "I told you." I backed away and stood in front of her, looking at Eistyn and Maddie. I glanced over to Holly, who seemed okay, but still. I took a chance, a bad one. I ran over to Holly and took her hand. Maddie started to run over but I stopped her.

    "Pain." If I wouldn''ve let go of Holly's hand I would've killed Maddie. I should''ve. She deserved it, she deserved to suffer. Her chest went up, and she fell to her knees'. I tore my eyes away to meet Eistyn's. He wasn't there. Someone grabbed my wrists, and spun me around.

   "Come with me." Eistyn spoke low, and he looked into my eyes. For once, I wasn't falling for his green eyes.

    "You must think I'm crazy." I spoke normal. I tried to yank my wrists away over and over, it was useless.

    "I can save you."

  "I'm sorry! Have you met me?! I don't need help, at least not from you." He looked behind me, then shoved me to the side.

    "What are you doing?! Your on my side!" Maddie screamed as she through punches, which Eistyn dodged. I looked at the waterfall, and got an idea. I got a ball of water, using my powers, and just played with it. Maddie was fighting her own minion. I untied Holly and Justin, they both squeezed me in a hug. I shrugged them off, pulling Holly by the wrist towards Icess.

    "Help me." Holly took Ice's and my hand. I healed Icess completely, but she was still to weak to move. Boom! Boom! Two gun shots were fired and both bullets hit Icess. One in the heart, one in the head. I put my hand out and discovered a new power. To control metal. I took the one out of her head first, then her heart. A silver bullet. She was dead. No amount of power would heal her. I had to say bye to my baby sister for good.

   "Y-You promised you w-would s-stay." Icess managed to speak, but she was as white as snow.

"Promise you'll never forget me." She continued on. So much stronger, but not enough strength to move.

   "Its a promise that I will never break." A tear rolled down my face, burning my skin in its path.

   "I love you." She spoke her last words.

   "I love too." I watched as he head fell to the side. Her last breathe escaping her lips. Holly, Justin and I stood up, and faced Eistyn and Maddie. Eistyn had the gun at his side.

    "Did you just..." That's all I could get out.

    "Yes, he did." Maddie finished for me. She had nerves.

    "She trusted you. " I didn't yell at Eistyn, just raised my voice slightly.

   "And you wonder why we don't trust anyone." Justin took my hand. I was still looking at Eistyn. Holly took my other hand, like her and Justin had a plan. I stared at Eistyn, Justin stared at Maddie and Holly didn't know where to look.

   "Holly!" Justin screamed, making me look at her. Boom! Boom! Once again, two bullets were fired, piercing the air. Two silver bullets. One in Holly's heart the other, in her stomach. Holly fell backwards, hitting the ground with a thump. I kneled down next to her, pulling the bullets out.

   "Kill your s-sister."

    "Way ahead of you on that." I stood back up. Justin squeezed my hand, making me look at him. I expected him to be crying, but no. He was looking at Eistyn, and he clenched his jaw.



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