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Foxy led me out of the hospital, through the woods and to the circle. Eistyn was waiting, on vampire territory, and Maddie was waiting on wolf territory. She was shivering, teeth chattering and goose bumps lined her skin.

"What is that?!" Eistyn nearly yelled. I was getting mad, it was hard not to. The wind started to pick up and howl, big and dark clouds gathered in the sky once again. Eistyn was talking about Foxy, which wasn't very nice. I let go of Foxy's hand and stepped forward. Maddie ran over to Foxy and clung to him like a wet shirt. I stepped in the circle while Foxy and Maddie stayed on wolf territory. All eyes were on me as I walked closer to Eistyn, who had his mouth dropped. He rushed in and hugged me, taking everyone by surprise. Foxy rushed over and pushed him off of me and up in the air. Once Eistyn got closer to the ground, Foxy put his hand on Eistyn's chest and pushing him down to the ground.

"You. Will never touch her again!" Foxy growled in Eistyn's face. A smirk danced across my mouth as I walked over to Foxy, who was towering over Eistyn. I put a hand on Foxy's shoulder, assuring him that I was fine and that he could back up. Foxy backed up and went back to Maddie. Both of them got closer to me, entering the circle.

"What was that for?!" Eistyn yelled, brushing the dirt off him. As he walked closer to me, I heard Foxy growl. I turned my head to the right, looking at the ground. I heard Foxy mutter to me under his breath. 'If he touches you again, I'm going to kill him.' He growled once again as the smirk danced wider on my mouth. It felt good to have someone who would protect me, who would protect anyone he cared about. 'I swear it.' Foxy spoke in his head, knowing that I could read his mind.

The ground began to shake. All the rocks' bounced off the ground, the trees' began to shake and the water from the waterfall started to lap. Maddie clung even more to Foxy, and he was trying to get to me. Maddie wouldn't release her grip, and the ground started to shake even more. I put my arms' out, hoping to steady myself. Thump, thump, thump, the thumping got louder and louder. I didn't trust my arms' anymore, I ran back to Foxy and mocked Maddie's actions. Foxy had a worried and strong look on his face alone with Maddie. I, however, was as scared as a cat in water. Eistyn had backed up against a tree. A tall man in gold an black armor emerged from the tall pine trees'. Foxy's, Maddie's, and even my mouth dropped in awe. He had a sword that was as long as a tree trunk, but as thin as paper. I saw a smirk curl on Foxy's lips as Eistyn looked like he might faint from the sight of the strange man.

He took off his helmet and held it under his arm. He had long and dark raven black hair, but his eyes were opposite. His eyes were a bright ocean blue. They shined like the morning sun that would dance over a lapping ocean. Under his right eye was a scar, how did he get it? He walked over to Foxy, Maddie and I then smiled. His teeth were a blinding white as his lips' curled up. Maddie got off of Foxy and grabbed my arm, pulling my away.

"Long time, no see old friend." The man's voice was low and dark, almost creepy. The man offered his hand for Foxy to shake.

"Yes, sir. Mr. Braveheart, I'd like you to meet your daughters'." Foxy took the man's hand, then released. Braveheart. Mr. Braveheart, it had a nice ring to it. Wait, daughters'?! Foxy walked over to Maddie and I, but we backed behind a tree. We weren't afraid of Foxy, we were afraid of Mr. Braveheart.

"Don't be afraid, he won't hurt you." Foxy walked closer and I came out from behind the tree. Foxy took my hand and stared into my eyes. His green and mine blue, our eyes fought in an unspoken fight. I backed down, he always won a battle. I took Maddie's hand and all three of us walked to Mr. Braveheart together. He beamed when Maddie and I stopped in front of him.

"Winter?" He walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Yes?" I answered. His eyes immediately tearing up as he pulled me I'm for a hug. I automatically froze. So, Foxy wouldn't let Eistyn hug me but he would let a complete stranger?

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