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When I woke up the next morning I was cuddled up against the arm of the couch. My hair was a tangled mess, I didn't need a mirror to figure that out. When I opened my eyes, I stretched then yawned, revealing my fangs. When I closed my mouth, my fangs swiped down my bottom lip, causing it to bleed. I needed to hunt. I needed to hunt, now. I ran to Holly's room, feeling pain and remorse as I dug throughout her clothes and jewelry. I put on a pair of jeans that were purposely faded, and a blue and black checkered shirt, with Holly's purple and black vans. I put my hair in a pony tail, not wanting to get my breakfast in it. When I opened Holly's bedroom door, I fell back.

"Someone's in a rush to get out of here." Eistyn spoke with a warm smile and a hand extended to help me up. I took it, trusting him with my weight.

"Are you surprised? I haven't hunted in almost a week." I spoke back opening my mouth wider so he could see my fangs.

"That's bad." He spoke and pointed to my mouth.

"Tell me about it. I'm going out to feed."

"I have blood bags." My mouth was already watering from the words that poured out of his mouth.

"No. I need to feed. On something, alive and not in plastic."

"What ever floats your boat, Snow." I was on my way out the door when I paused in my path as I heard I new set of words leave his lips.

"Please don't call me that." I started to tear up and I choked back a lump that was in my throat. My mom used to call me that. Even though I grew up in an orphanage with Maddie, I remember my mom's image when I was a baby and she called me that. Her memory was a blur over the years, but it got more clear as I thought about her more often.

"Why not? Snow." Eistyn was really pushing it. I only saw my mom for a brief time, and I didn't even know that I was related to her half the time. I wanted to punch Eistyn, I wanted to cause him pain. Let him feel the pain that I did every time he called me that. I choked the anger, frustration, pain, and tears then walked out of Holly's room to down the hallway.

"Snow! Come back! Snow!" Eistyn called after me. This time I stoped, turned around, and ran towards him, pinning him against the wall.

"Never. Call me that... again. EVER." I threatened.

"Or else what?" He challenged. A small smirk appeared on his face.

"You know what! " I snapped. I pushed him more to the wall, gripping his wrists harder, and getting in his face more. He could've easily pushed me back, but he didn't.

"You know I'm stronger." Eistyn spoke simply, knowing that I was competitive. Eistyn was gonna challenge me, maybe.

"Say something. You can't because your to afraid." He extended his neck as I backed away. Allowing him to come free, and not be squished between me and the wall.

"Why won't you let me call you that." Eistyn spoke. His sentence sounding more like a command then a question. He leaned up against the wall and watched me look at him. I lowered my head in my hands and let out a little laugh. When I raised my head to look at him, I purposely plastered a huge grin on my face.

"You... Haha. You don't know." Nothing was really funny. It was one of those laughs when you can't believe something.

"Know what my love." He pushes himself off the wall, walked to me and took my hand. We walked to the living room and sat on opposite sides of the couch.

"My mom. She used to call me that. The first memory I have of her is when she was holding me in her arms, and she said-'your a beautiful baby, never forget that. Your my wonderful Snow.' I really miss her, ya know?" I locked my gaze with Eistyn's, but at the same time I tried to avoid eye contact.

"Yeah I do know. Know my nickname?"

"No. What?"

"East. Its simple, but it means a lot. Wanna make a deal?" He looked me in eyes. Not avoiding eye contact.

"Depends." That was always my answer. I say that then listen to the deal then agree or disagree.


"The deal. What else?"

"You let me call you Snow, I'll let you call me East."

"Why is your nickname East in the first place?" I questioned.

"Eistyn. Is a lake called Eistyn Lake. And of course, it was in the East. My mother named me Eistyn because that's where her and my father met. Once my mom passed, my father nickname me East. To resemble the lake and what my mom wanted." I didn't know what to say. His story was worse then mine.

"Wow. Can I ask how your mom died?"

"She died when she was giving birth to me." Eistyn spoke low, but loud enough for me to hear him. We just sat there. Quiet. He dropped his head in his hands, and cried. I didn't know what to do. I walked over to him, and just stood. When he stood up, he opened his arms. He wasn't the only one crying. He knew that whenever someone was sad, I could feel their pain. See their painful memories, hear hurtful words, and feel every ounce of anger, frustration, and sadness that was building up inside them. We hugged. We stood for the longest time, crying in each others arms.

"Stop blaming yourself." I spoke against his arm. I could hardly breath as he squeezed me harder.

"I can't. Its my fault."

"What is" I pulled away, and we sat on the couch once more.

"My mother. My father. All of the deaths that had happened. If I hadn't been born, my mother would still be alive." Eistyn was talking low that I strained my ears from listening.

"What? No. Its not your fault." I moved closer, pulling him into a hug again.

"How about we sit inside and watch movies?" I wanted to do my best to keep his mind off of his parents. He nodded yes and I stood up. I closed all the blinds in the house, mainly the downstairs.

"Pick a movie." Eistyn got up and walked over to the movie box that sat next to the t.v. After about 10 minutes, he grabbed a disk and walked over to me with a huge grin on his face. I returned the smile and he nodded slowly. He was a marvel guy, and I actually tolerated it. He picked out The Amazing Spiderman 2. I loved Spiderman, and he knew it. We both liked Spidey. He walked back to the t.v and put the disk in.


I was crying!!! I was just so mad and sad and confused. Not at Eistyn, at the stupid movie. Gwen Stacey died! After the movie, I turned and faced Eistyn.

"SHE DIED!!! I CANT BELIEVE SHE DIED!!" I threw my hands in the air and yelled dramatically. Eistyn only laughed at my reaction.

"Its okay. Calm down" He was trying so hard to stop laughing at me.

"But she died!" I put my back hand on my forehead and dramatically fainted on the couch.

"Oh, what ever will we do?!" Eistyn mocked me and copied my actions.

Then we finally got up. Just to fall back down in laughter.

"You are something else." Eistyn spoke while sitting up properly on the couch.

"I'm your something else." I copied his actions.

"Don't you forget it."

It was now ten till three and we had nothing to do. I felt sorry for Eistyn and didn't leave the house to hunt, instead I went through 5 blood bags just to make the Hunger stop.

"Now what?" I questioned

"I'm thinking pizza and more movies." He answered.


I called in for pizza, which got here in 30 minutes. Eistyn scrolled through the movie channels, the cartoon channels, and the boring channels. We finally both agreed to watch White Chicks. When the doorbell rung I jumped up to the door.

"25.69 please." The pizza guy asked. We had ordered two large pizza's and a liter of Dr. Pepper. I gave the guy the cash and walked the pizza and soda to the kitchen.

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