Before you read

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Hello everyone

Welcome to Song of my Heart, the first book in the Song Of My Heart trilogy.

A few things before you get started:


A word of warning: I wrote this story when I was 14. It is cheesy and there are spelling mistakes and it hadn't been edited. I like to think my writing has matured since writing this, so please bare with my fourteen year old self. It does get better I promise. 


This is the first story I ever finished and as badly written as it is, I am very proud of it. I ask that you please don't copy it. The storyline is my own. The characters belong to me. If you see this story anywhere else, please let me know so I can see about getting it taken down. 


The songs featured in this story are not owned by me. All credit must go to the very talented artists. I have no claim to them what so ever. 


Editing: Editing will be happening. As soon as I've finished this triolgy (Hotel California, book three, is currently being planned), then I will get on to editing all three books at once. There is also a very good chance that this story will be re-written.

And I think that's it. 

I really hope you enjoy my story and my characters. Feel free to vote, comment and share as much as you like, it is very much apprieated. 

Enjoy Jellybeans!

All my Love

J xxx

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