Part 8

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(Inside a helicopter heading towards Anholt. 3rd person POV)

Everyone were sitting quietly as their flight is coming to an end. Thatcher got up to talk to Jäger and the co pilot kicking anyone sleeping awake.

Thatcher: How much longer?

Jäger: Five minutes.

Thatcher: Alright team one get ready.

Fuze: Get ready as well comerades.

The helicopter came to a hover and the lights turned as the door open for everyone to repel down. Everyone stood up as they were ready. Y/n was the first one up and walked over to Thatcher. As Hibana stood up everyone began exiting, she stopped by the door looking outside.

Thatcher: Focus, I don't want anyone fucking up.

She nodded as she grabbed the rope and slid down. As Thatcher landed he signaled everyone to rally on him. They proceed towards the meeting point for Jester's squad. Y/n let most of the group go ahead of him, IQ noticed him behaving unusual.

IQ: Y/n what's wrong, normally you go first?

Y/n: I don't want any sneaking up on us, that's what happened last time I was here.

As IQ nooded and followed the group Hibana walked up to him grabbing his shoulder.

Hibana: That happened to you and Jackal?

Y/n: Not really.

He let Athena down walking away from Hibana. After a short hike they made it to their destination. As they approached it seemed no one was around. IQ opened the door to the building as everyone else covered her.

IQ: Nobody's inside.

Thatcher: Y/n?

Y/n: They're right there, they all ways do this.

He walked out in the grass and kicked at the grass. An audibule grunt came from the grass and six soldiers dressed like Y/n stood up holding various weapons. The one carrying an HK-416 walked over to Thatcher.

Man: Names Jester, I'm guessing you're Thatcher.

As they began talking Y/n heard two Danish soldiers speaking in their native language.

Soldier 1: You see the blonde over there, Bard?

Bard: Of course, how could you miss an ass like that? How about emo Chinese lady over there?

Y/n: She's Japanese.

Bard: Eh, who cares.

Soldier: Besides what she going to do, dramatically cry. Blonde on the other hand, I think we should team up don't want her to be scared out there.

Bard: So everyone has a special thing in rainbow right?

Soldier: Yes. And what the Asian can do suicide attacks.

Y/n: Athena rip his arm off if he speaks again.

Athena sat right in front of the man, staring him down. Y/n began walking away to join the others until Bard made another comment.

"What's your problem, I thought you let your woman die?"

Jester froze up after hearing g that statement.

Y/n walked back to Bard and punched him across the face, then began to punch him with on the ground.

Thatcher: Y/n get...

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