part 30

909 16 3

The Recruits arrived at the now destroyed refinery. James walked in the room where Y/n and the others went down in.

James: Sonja, can you get the lift to work?

Sonja: I'll take a look.

Lawrence: I found a body!

He kicked the body over revealing a burned white mask, Lawrence looked at the others shaking his head.

Sonja: I looks like the gears to bring it down are damaged.

Bruce: We could slide down the rope.

James was the first one to slide down the rope into the underground facility. As Lawrence reached the bottom they all spread out as the slowly checked the bodies as they walked towards the door.

Bruce: I found a type-89 rifle, must be Hibana's.

He slung the rifle on his back them kept moving.

James: Guys!

Everyone ran to James by the door holding a helmet.

Sonja: Is that his?

James: Not sure, let's move in.

He opened the door and Lawrence took point keeping his shotgun ready with Matt covering the back with his SMG.

They stopped after hearing scraping inside a room. Lawrence and James entered the room finding a grunt split in half twitching. They closed the door and continued until they found a security door forced open enough for someone to crawl though.

Lawrence: We going to check that out?

Sonja: Look. There's a scanner that's been shot he could have down that to get in.

James: Alright Bruce help me open it, Lawrence and Matt cover us.

They walked up grabbing one side of the door as the others covered. After a few tuggs they opened the door wide enough for them to walk through. Lawrence moved in checking the left side of the lab as Matt took the other side.


Everyone moved in looking for the one who opened the door.

Bruce: I got a severed hand here.

He picked it up and tossed it at Lawrence.

Lawrence: The fuck man!

James: I got a blood trail!

He followed the trial to a hole in the wall across the room with bloodied hand prints around it. Matt lit a flare and tossed it in the hole and watched it slide down the metal vent. Bruce crouched next to it shining a flashlight at the blood coving the metal inside.

Bruce: We going in that?

James: We have to make sure it's not Y/n.

Sonja: I'll tell Six.

James crawled in a slowly slid down the vent followed by Matt.

Sonja: Don't worry I'll kept you safe.

She jumped I leaving Bruce alone as he sat at the edge.

Bruce: Fuck me.

(At the base before the Recruits leave)

Thatcher sat with Six, Zofia, and Montagne in her office.

Six: Our recovery team has been sent to recover him if possible.

Thatcher: What about notifying his family and country?

Six: We are going to wait until they come back. Now you are all excused for the day.

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