Part 17

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On a cold heavy raining day everyone was outside in full combat gear as they waited their turn for full contact sparring. Jager and Blackbeard were in the makeshift ring. Both men fatigued as they were trading blows. Blackbeard swung for a punch as Jager caught his arm and pulled him down into an arm hold until the Officer declared a winner.

Officer: Anyone wanna volunteer before we add weapons?

Nobody spoke up and Recruits brought over a case with pistols and knives. The officer looked at the Operators.

Officer: Weasel and Caveria you two are up first.

Caveria waked up grabbing a knife as Weasel pulled out his climbing hooks and jumped in his spot.

Officer: Go!

Weasel: Fight mode activated!

As he moved in to attack Carveria punched him in the nose with ease and continued to throw punches as Wease tried to speak.

"Ow...fuck...stop it...time out...time out."

She was holding him down with one hand as she continued to punch. The Officer was going to stop but Smoke handed him a roll of money that he gladly took and let her get a few more hits in until he was knocked out. Rook and Doc drug Weasel was as Hibana was called to fight next. He grabbed a pistol checking to see it loaded with rubber bullets. She looked back to see Y/N standing on the other side.

Y/N: Hello Yumi.

Hibana: Y/n.

The Officer started the fight Hibana took a fighting stance, Y/n looked at his weapon then threw it down. Many operators looked at each other in confusion along with Hibana as he took his helmet off an pulled his balaclava down.

Y/n: I'm sorry.

Hibana ran up to him punching him across the face then shooting him in the stomach. Y/n fell down to his knees looking at Hibana.

Y/n: I'm sorry.

She grabbed a hold of his jacket and began punching him repeatedly.

Hibana: For what?

(Punches him and he spits blood out.)

Y/N: Ruining everything for you.

(Punches him again)

Hibana: I could have killed you.

Y/N: It was my fault that you did that.

Hibana punched him knocking him to the ground, she looked up at the other operators confused about the whole thing then back at Y/N. The rain washed away the blood as it came out from his eyebrows and split opened cheek. Bandit walked over and picked him up as Hibana watched until IQ pulled her away.

Y/n was in Doc's office as he was getting his face stitched up while getting questioned.

Y/n: It just seemed like a good idea at the moment.

Doc: Does a stitched up eyebrow and lip make it worth it?

Y/N: Absolutely.

Weasel: I can't believe you got beat up by a girl.

they both looked at Weasel in the corner with a broken nose, a black eye, and stitches.

Y/N: So did you.

Weasel: No I didn't.

Doc: I guess there's more to check on him.

Doc released Y/n as he rolled his chair back to Weasel. Y/n was on his way back stopping as he hear someone crying. He checked to see where he was, seeing he's by the Locker room he snuck in to see the situation. He hid as he heard Ying and IQ talking to someone as a locker was open.

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