Part 22

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Y/n and Hibana we're walking down to the holding cells to visit Milos on Six's orders.

Hibana: Are you okay with her idea?

Y/n: She's the boss.

The recruit on duty open the door. They found Milos sitting on his cot reading a battered book.

Milos: Hey Dave what sort of shit did you bring me this ti...oh Y/n what you doing here?

Y/n: Six has a fun day planned for you.

Milos: I see, now is this your girlfriend that shot you?

Y/n: As you can see he's a dick.

Hibana: I can tell.

Milos: So what we doing first?

Y/n: Talking to Six.

Milos: Actually it's we need to see the medic first.

Y/n: Why?

Milos punched Y/n in his face two times before Hibana and a Recruit pulled him off.

Milos: You fucking asshole!

(Six's office)

Six: So Mr. Milos your country says you killed a teammate and they want you in prison, but I can keep you out if you want.

Milos: Wow straight to the point, okay I would like to be not in prison.

Six: That's what I thought so I'm going to have you do a simple training mission.

Milos: I don't have my stuff lady.

Six: I made arrangements, now gather you gear and report to the campus training building.

Milos: Lovely.

They walked to the Recruit's locker room where Milos opened the locker with his name with his gear inside. He picked up his rifle first and checked everything.

(His gun)

Milos: They didn't hurt her.

After getting dressed in similar combat gear as Y/n except instead on a helmet he wore a stocking cap with the Denmark flag on it.

Milos: So what's the training thing?

Y/n: You have to defend the objective from Lion's recriuts.

Milos: How much can I hurt them?

Y/n: No phosphorus.

Milos: Well that takes the fun out of everything.

Inside the building Milos walked around by himself waiting for his opponents to come. As he lit a cigarette he heard a breach charge. He set the smoke down then loaded his rifle. Two recriuts moved in checking corners and covering each other as they moved in.

"I smell a smoke nearby."

They moved up, the lead Recriut took a training round to his head knocking him out.

Inside the base Y/n and Hibana watched the feed as Milos was walking to his next position.

Hibana: How come you didn't have your recruits go against him?

Y/n: Lawrence is out because he tried seduce Caveria and she broke his hand.

Milos was walking above the recruits as he moved towards the stairs. He climbed over the railing and held on to the ledge as he took aim. The window broke open and a recruit began shooting at him as he breached the window. Milos let go and fell to the second floor tolling away as he landed. He stood behind the wall as bullets flew by. He chucked as he set a non-lethal version of his traps on the wall and walked away. A Recruit tripped the device getting covered in white dust he looked around until three training rounds hit his chest. Milos ran back to his cigarette to have a puff when the last recruits moved in sight. He crouched down and slowly moved around them. He shot the furthest as he ran behind cover. The last two recriuts had him cornered.

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