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A/n: Here it is your possibly favorite or least favorite character in this story. Hopefully, you guys like it.

In Corby, England a young boy was sitting outside holding onto a stuffed animal watching as a car pulled up to the house. A man in a suit stepped out along with a little girl.

Girl: Hi Weasel!

Man: Amanda, what did I tell you about calling him that?

Amanda: Sorry, hi Elliot.

Weasel: Hi Da.

She ran inside and the man kneeled down next to Weasel.

Man: Your sister told me you were in another fight today.

Weasel: They made fun of me again.

Man: What did they say this time?

Weasel: They laughed at me being colorblind again.

Man: Did they hurt you?

Weasel: No sir, I was too quick.

Man: (chuckles) Your mother shouldn't have shown you her SAS skills.

Weasel: I'm going to be just like mom one day.

Man: She would be proud of you Elliot.

Weasel: Are we going to see them today?

Man: Tell your sister we are leaving in one hour.

Weasel: Thanks, Nathaniel.

He watched as Weasel ran inside the house yelling for Amanda.

"Da, we are going to see Mum and Dad in one hour!"

At a cemetery, out in the countryside were two weathered tombstones.

*Arlos Clarke, Eliana Clarke"

A young man walked upped to both of them and kneeled down.

"Hi, Mum and Dad."

He held out a piece of paper.

Weasel: I did it I got into the military, soon I'll be on my way to the SAS just like Mum.

He put the paper away and wiped a tear away.

Weasel: Ah...Amanda is doing great, shes just at the car talking to someone for work.

Amanda walked up to Weasel and hugged him as he laid his head on his mother's tombstone.

Amanda: Come little Weasel you dont want to be late for your bus.

They arrived at a bus stop where Military troops were loading people into a bus and families saying goodbyes.

Amanda and Weasel walked out and they held hands and the found Nathaniel standing by a bench.

Nathaniel: Hello Elliot, ready for this?

Weasel: Ever since my mom showed me a picture of her team.

He shook his hand and reached in his duffel bag and pulled out the stuffed weasel.

Nathaniel: I dont want them ruining this.

Amanda: Don't worry I'll take care of him for you.

Weasel: Thanks Da.

They hugged them he jumped on the bus and sat down by the window and waved at them.

(Timeskip two years after basic training)

Weasel stood in line with the others as a team of SAS soldiers walked in from a mission.

"Is this the new blood?"

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