Part 18

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As they arrived back from their last mission Y/n and Hibana made it back to her room. The door flew open as Y/n held Hibana up as she had her arms and legs wrapped around him. Athena ran between his legs as she jumped on the couch pulling one of Hibana's blankets over her. Y/n moved to her bed tripping over a pair of her shoes, but landing on the bed.

Hibana: Y/n, if we are going back together you have to promise no more secrets.

Y/n: What if I want to surprise you?

Hibana: You know what I mean.

Y/n began to remember what Reiley said about him and the others.

Y/n: I promise.


Y/n and Athena were About to begin their morning run, but the usual Recruit was not there to open the door for them.

Y/n: Where the hell is he?

He took a look through the glass to see if he had gone inside until he heard the wall next to him brake. He looked at the reflection on the glass to see a hooded person aiming a suppressed SMG and Athena growling.

Y/n: Athena, go find help.

He slowly picked his phone out from his pocket, throwing it as he turned. It hit the shooter, Y/n ran at him taking a bullet to the stomach but he kept going. He hit the gun up as another round fired. They both fought for the gun, slamming each other into the doors and walls. As Y/n got shoved against a door he quickly reached for the face, using his thumb to gouge an eye. The shooter lets go of the gun and released the clip and used it as a weapon breaking his eyebrow stitched open again. After the third strike Y/n hit him with the rifle, quickly shooting the only bullet but missed as the shooter grabbed the barrel and pushed it away.

On the other side of the base, Athena made it back to the dorms standing up an pushing the doors open. She stopped as another hooded soldier walked throughout the building opening a door but closing it quietly. She slowly walked in sniffing the doors behind the shooter until she stopped a damaged door, where she began scratching the door frantically. She looked at the soldier aiming their gun at her. An alcohol-fueled man opened the door looking at Athena.

"You dare wake the lo..."

The soldier shot at him but the bullet deflected off his helmet. He looked at the shooter flipping the face cover down then breaking a glass bottle of vodka as the Russian National Anthem began playing. Tachanka began walking towards him as Athena ran up and pulled the soldier down by his arm. The other operator on the main floor woke up from the screams and music finding a dead soldier and an angry Russian holding a bloodied bottle.

Thatcher: What is going on?

Tachanka: We have a dead soldier that shot me.

Thatcher: Alright everyone arm up and clear the base!

On the second floor, Hibana woke up as the music began to play. she looked over at her clock wondering if Y/n was playing music on his run as she got up as the door opened.

Hibana: Y/n why are you playing this song?

She felt a painful pull on her hair as she was dragged off her bed into a wall. Looking up she saw an unknown soldier walking towards her with a pistol out picking her up then setting the barrel against her cheek, speaking a different language. She stomped on his foot then headbutted him then made her escape attempt. She got caught as she opened the door as her foot was in his soldier's grip. She began kicking at the face to no avail as both of her feet were caught and she was being turned around. She fought back with all of her strength until the attacker drew his pistol at her hitting her with it. He yelled at her in a foreign language gesturing her to stand up. She was pulled up by her hair then held as a hostage as they began walking out.  As they made it to the elevator door Jager opened his door firing at them. The attacker held Hibana closer as he shot back then waited for the doors to open. As the elevator dinged on its arrival, Echo's drone concussed both of them. The attacker lets go and walked back into the elevator tripping a Kapkan trap killing him. 

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