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Y/n was sitting in the dinning hall with Athena and Mira eating until Ela came running to him.

Ela: Y/n I need your help! It's really bad.

Y/n: What did Lawrence do this time?

Ela: No it's Bandit and his team.

Y/n: Who was on his team?

Ela: Jäger, Weasel, and Doc.

Mira: What happened?

Ela: They had an accident on the mission.

Y/n: Fine I'll go.

Ela was in a full sprint while Y/n was walking.

Ela: Come on! This way!

He walked outside, Doc was shooting himself with his stim gun while the others were staring out into nothing.

Y/n: What happened to them?

Bandit: Drugs glorious drugs!

Weasel(Russian): I can hear my blood move.

Bandit: If I punch myself and it hurts does that make me weak or strong?

Jäger: Dude....that's....

Y/n: Yeah, I'm going to say no to helping on this one.

Ela: I'll tell Hibana about you seeing Caveria naked!

Y/n: I'm pretty sure she knows that already.

Ela: You want to chance that?

Y/n: No.

Doc: Of course I want another baguette.

He shot his check with his stim gun.

Ela: Now let's...where did Weasel go?


Everyone looked up at Weasel on top of the flag pole onto of the base.

Ela: Weasel get down here before you get hurt!

Weasel: Weasel powers active!

He jump off flapping his arms like a bird. Bandit and Jäger were jumping and cheering for Weasel as he fell hitting a light pole then the truck they arrived in.

Y/n: Weasel you finally dead?

Weasel jumped out yelling.

Weasel: (bad pterodactyl scream)

He ran away before anyone stops him.

Ela: Why didn't you grab him?

Bandit: The floor is lava.

Jäger: I'm a helicopter I'll save you.

Jäger began spinning while making helicopter noises towards Bandit.

Bandit: Thanks helicopter Jäger. Now I'm going to drive my motorcycle.

Ela: I'll take have someone take Doc and check the armory for Weasel while you check the dorms.

Y/n: Fine, come on you two.

Bandit followed Y/n while acting like he was on a motorcycle and making bike noises while Jäger was still a helicopter.

They were walking in the halls, Jäger and Bandit were in front still acting like vehicles. Twitch opened her door to see what the noise was and Bandit stopped to stare at her in her casual clothes.

Bandit: Oh my god.

He walked towards her hands still holding handle bars.

Bandit: Vroom vrooom.

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