Part 10

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(One week later Hibana's Room her POV)

I sat in my room after finishing a mission in France. I walked into my kitchen setting my rifle on my table pulling my hood down letting out a sigh. I sat on my couch letting my feet rest on the table. I looked over at the picture of Y/n. I grabbed it looking at it closer, regret came to me the longer I looked at it. I set it back holding in sadness as I went to my shower. After cleaning and getting dressed I sat on my bed looking at the picture I snuck of me and a sleeping Y/n. I heard knocking on my door that I ignored, I figured it was Ela or something. The door opened, I rolled my eyes thinking it was someone making sure I wasn't crying or something.

Me: What do you want?

"You seem to be having a bad day."

I looked around and saw Y/n walking in the room. He sat down next to me and hugged me, I returned the gesture as well.

Me: Y/n I glad to see you again.

Y/n: What do you mean I'm still dead.

Me: What?

I woke up back in France, the wall next to me was gone. I remembered the suicide bomber running at me.

Me: Goddamnit.

I slammed my fist in the ground, I looked up at two White Mask searching the room. I quickly killed them before they saw me and stood back up in pain. Buck came down the stairs calling my name.

"Hibana, you alright?"

Me: Yes, I'm fine.

I walked with a slight limp with my left leg, Buck helped me up the stairs to meet the others on my team. As I got to the top I pulled my arm back from Buck before the rest seen me.

Buck: What the hell?

Lion: Enough we still have a container to secure.

We continued to our objective, Lion and Blackbeard moved outside to breach from any windows as Buck, Fuze and I moved up. Lion found the container on the second floor next to an office. Fuze placed his cluster charge on the door as Buck and I made a door through the adjacent wall. As the cluster charge began throwing grenades Lion's drone tagged hostiles inside allowing Blackbeard to pick them off as they ran for cover. Buck moved in first using his shotgun to blast a terrorist head off with me behind him.

Me: Container secure.

Local police moved in preparing the container to move as my team relaxed in the office. I sat on the desk with the pain in my leg still persisting. Buck walked over to me as I tried hiding the pain.

Me: Yes?

Buck: You hurt?

Me: No.

Buck: You know you can stop acting like this, it been a week.

Me: I'm over it ok, and I'm fine.

Buck grabbed my legs giving it a strong squeeze making me yell in pain. He shook his head and walked away. Lion chuckles as he sat in the chair.

Lion: He's right after your boyfriend died you've been quite the bitch.

I got up and began walking out.

Me: Cause it seems like none of you care.

After the flight back I made it back to my room. I hesitantly opened it, I was soon greeted by Athena. She stood in front of me before standing up against me.

Me: Hey girl, Meghan gone?

She got done and began walking away down the stairs. I left my door open for her to get back as I sat down checking my leg. I looked back at the door for anyone peeking in as I took my pants off to see my leg better. After Athena made it back she sat next to her bowls that I got for my room, unfortunately, Meghan didn't bring food so it meant I had to check Y/n's room for his monthly dog food supply. We haven't transferred the order to Valkyrie's room yet, we figured it would be easier to let the first order go there.

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