Part 25

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Y/n and Hibana were in the weight room with a few other operators. She was using the squat rack as he was taking a picture of her.

Hibana: Really?

Y/n: Worth it.

Six: All operators report for an announcement.

Everyone gathered outside was Six was waiting for them.

Six: Since the recruit shadowing has improved the Recruits effectiveness, im making it mandatory that you train your Recruits personally.

Y/n: Jäger, can I throw mine in you helicopter blades?

Jäger: No it I beat you first.

Six: I also need Cavalry, Buck, Finka, IQ, and Zofia to report to briefing.

(Timeskip to Poland)

Everyone was in the helicopter flying over to their objective to clear a research center. Zofia was eager to get there, while Buck was next to Finka teasing her playfully. Y/n was trying to sleep as Athena was next to IQ wanting to be petted.

Pilot: Two minutes.

Zofia: Alright we are being dropped of on the roof, as Recriuts are going to hold the main floor and any outside exits.

Y/n: What Recruits are here?

Zofia: Mine, Buck's, and Finka's.

Y/n: Thank God.

Zofia: IQ and yours are on standby.

Y/n: Fuck.

The helicopter hovered above the building, and Zofia opened the door and repelled down with everyone else.

Zofia: Buck get the door.

Buck move up and shot the door down and moves in with Finka.

Buck: Clear.

Zofia: Alright IQ and Cavalry go find anyone walking around, we will move to the first objective room.

They moved downstairs with Athena leading them. She stopped before a White Mask walked walked out. He turned around and was greeted by Athena biting his leg and pulling him down for IQ and Y/n to shoot him.

White Mask: Hostiles second floor!

Two White Masks ran up out from another room and fired at them. Y/n shoved IQ into a room a a bullet hit him. He shot back killing one and making the other take cover.

IQ: You're hit!

Y/n: I'm fine.

He moved back to the door and fired back before he left with Athena. IQ got back up and tried to follow him, but he was walking out of sight when she found him.

IQ: Cavalry wait up!

She ran to him until the wall broke down and White Masks where shooting at her as she dove to cover.

Y/n looked back at IQ seeing two hostiles shooting at her. He aimed his gun and killed one before Athena was barking. He looked to see a suicide bomber walked his way.

Y/n: Athena protect IQ!

Athena ran in the other room killing the last man as Y/n fired his rifle making the bomber drop to one knee. He went for a reload but the bomber detonated sending Y/n to jump through the nearest window. He fell further into the building and grabbed a rail, but the momentum from his body dislocated his shoulder and her dropped further down until he landed and heard a voice.

Reiley: Y/n nice of you to drop in. Haha I made me laugh.

Reiley held his pistol on Y/n's head as he kneeled down.

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