Part 20

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Y/n laying in bed as Hibana slept in his chest thinking about what he did to Milos. As the clock struck 4:00 Athena jumped on the bed and began pawing his face.

Y/n: I'm coming.

He went to the bathroom to change into his running clothes when he noticed a pregnancy test box with a note from Doc attached to it.

"Because no one probably uses the other thing I gave them."

Y/n: Shit he's right.

As I put my shirt on Athena was at the door whining.

Y/n: I'm coming.

Intercom: Cavalry, Please report to Six's office.

He walked inside to see Six next to a TV showing Milos in his cell.

Y/n: You wanted to see me?

Six: Yes, first what can you tell me about Milos.

Y/n: He was the sniper in my old squad. Ah...he uses a VSS and he also rigged up trap the fires white phosphate.

Six: I see, but it doesn't matter right now I have a mission for you.

Y/n: Alright but why tell me this early?

Six: You're taking Recruits with you as the complete their first mission.

Y/n: What's wrong with them?

Six: Last time I sent them with Thatcher, let's say he nearly shot them all himself.

Y/n: Why?

Six: Ask him yourself. You will meet your team at 0700 then you'll head to Iceland for a possible hostage rescue.

Y/n: Possible?

Six: It's a small job that local authorities should be able to handle it, but they asked for us to be there in case, so I send Recruits with someone as a mentor.

Y/n: Eh, how bad could it be?

Six: You'd be surprised.

He walked back to his room waking Hibana accidentally. She sat up holding her bearing 9 as her hair covered her face.

Y/n: Whoa don't shoot me again!

Hibana: What you doing back so early?

Y/n: I have a mission with some Recruits in a few ho...

Hibana: What!

She ran to him tripping but managed to grab his legs.

"Why did they do this to you!"

Y/n: What I probably won't have to do anything.

Hibana: You don't know how dumb those guys can be. One time they began shooting each other over a name.

Y/n: What?

Hibana: Then there was the time with Thatcher....they....they...

Y/n: What did they do.

Hibana: Used laser sights.

She shivered at the word and held him tighter.

Y/n: Laser sights, why is that a bad thing?

She got up grabbing a laser then pointed it down the hall as they peeked out.

"Fooking laser sights!"

He ran in the hall holding a knife looking for the culprit.

Hibana: See.

Y/n: You guys are just paranoid, come in Athena let's get ready.

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