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I never thought I'd wake up today and hear news a couple hours later that would completely shatter my heart to pieces.

The day started off as normal as any other day would. I woke up in bed with Jess beside me, her face looking peaceful as she slept. I couldn't help but to feel guilty as I watched her sleep though. There's no denying that she's a beautiful girl but I just don't feel as strongly for her as I probably should, my heart is with another and I don't think that's ever going to change. It definitely isn't going to change anytime soon.

Why does life have to be so fucking complicated?

"Good morning Handsome" there was an ache below my waist at the sound of Jess' raspy morning voice but it had nothing on Demi's, and again, the guilt continued to eat away at me as I rolled to face her.

"Morning Gorgeous."

"What time is it?" she gently rubbed at her eyes, covering her mouth with her hand as she yawned.

"8:27" I recalled from when I previously looked at my phone.

"I have work in half an hour. I should probably start getting ready before I'm late" she spoke but she made no attempt to climb out of bed, she just turned to me with a smile.

"You probably should" I leant my forehead against hers and we shared a wide smile before I crashed my lips against hers. I rolled us over and hovered over her, settling myself between her legs. I pressed myself into her already naked crotch, smiling as she moaned into the kiss.


I settled back against the couch, the TV was playing quietly through the room. I found myself scrolling through Instagram, very quickly finding my way onto Demi's profile and I couldn't help but to smile at her most recent post.

 I found myself scrolling through Instagram, very quickly finding my way onto Demi's profile and I couldn't help but to smile at her most recent post

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ddlovato Totally miss entertaining you guys every night. Can't wait to get back on the road 😝💗 #tellmeyoulovemetoureurope
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matthew_scott_montgomery QUEEN👑
jillpowellglam 🙌🏼💗

I smiled at the excitement that radiated from that one single post, a sadness fell around me though. I wish I were there to witness it. I wish I was there to support her and cheer her on. We haven't spoke since I ended our 3 month relationship and I miss her so fucking much. Even if we never get our romantic relationship back, I will happily settle for being her best friend. We promised each other that nothing would ever come between us and I'll be damned if I let her get away. We promised each other when we were 15 years old that no matter what happened, we would forever be best friends.

I grew confused as Kelsey's caller ID flashed up on my screen. Kelsey never contacts me. The thought of something having happened to Demi made my heart ache. I doubt she'd contact me unless she was concerned or worried about her, especially after our very brief relationship.

"Hey, Kels" I answered the call without hesitation.

"Nick" she breathed down the phone. "Nick, I-I am so sorry. I-I really shouldn't be telling you this but I have to" I adjusted myself on the couch, my eyebrows furrowing together in confusion as my heart began to hammer against my chest.

"What are you sorry for? Is something wrong? Is it Demi? What shouldn't I know?" my stomach suddenly filled with butterflies, nervous and terrified butterflies.

It doesn't matter what's happening in our relationship, if something is wrong with Demi, I will 100% be there. She means too much to me for me to just not care about her. I will forever care about her. She will be in my heart and soul forever. I'm sure she is my forever.

"I-I tried to stop her, Nick, I swear but she wouldn't listen, she-she kept saying she was doing the right thing and I..." my eyebrows furrowed in confusion but the worry for my best friend and potential love of my life was outweighing any other emotion I was currently feeling. "She-She didn't want...I tried to get her to tell you but she said you'd be better off not knowing but I-I need to tell you because I think she's making a mistake. I definitely shouldn't even be telling you this but..."

"Kelsey, I need you to tell me what you're talking about" the pounding of my heart was slowly making it difficult to concentrate. The only thing I could think about was Demi.

"Demi found out a couple of weeks ago that she's pregnant" my heart dropped into my stomach. "I tried to get her to tell you but she-she saw the article of you and the blonde and she came to the decision to-she decided to have an..." she decided to have a what? The thoughts that were whirling around in my head weren't positive thoughts. I can see where this conversation is headed and I don't like it, not one little bit.

"She decided to have a what, Kelsey?" I could feel myself growing angry but I'm not sure whether that's the right emotion to feel. Demi is known for making irrational decisions, she doesn't always think before she does something. She doesn't always ask for help. She can't always see a way out of a situation without doing something drastic.

"She's gone for an abortion, Nick" and that was the sentence that brought my world crashing down around me.

"She's gone for an abortion, Nick" and that was the sentence that brought my world crashing down around me

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