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"Thank you, Belfast. I love y'all, goodnight" I gave the audience a wave as I slowly sunk down under the stage. That was a rush. I high fived or hugged members of my team as I passed by them, a huge smile spread across my face. I have missed being on the stage. It's where I belong. I took a bottle of water off Kelsey and gulped down nearly half the bottle.

"I'm so tired" Kelsey chuckled as she followed behind me and into my dressing room, continuing to hug people that I passed. I was thankful when I got into the dressing room, taking the belt from around my waist and dropping down onto the couch that was shoved against the far wall. I leant to grab my purse, rummaging around until I pulled out my phone, scrolling through some of the posts that I had been tagged in, posting my favourite onto my own Instagram.

Liked by nickjonas, jillpowellglam and 1,917,716 othersddlovato What a rush! Belfast you were incredible! So glad to be back on the road #tellmeyoulovemetoureuropeView all 3,736 commentsangelokritikos GODDESS💗diannadelagarza show them what you've...

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Liked by nickjonas, jillpowellglam and 1,917,716 others
ddlovato What a rush! Belfast you were incredible! So glad to be back on the road #tellmeyoulovemetoureurope
View all 3,736 comments
angelokritikos GODDESS💗
diannadelagarza show them what you've got baby girl😘

"The fan who took that photo is gonna lose it" I chuckled at Kelsey as she remained beside me on the couch. I locked my phone and dropped it into my lap, leaning to lower my head onto Kelsey's shoulder.

"When I have the baby, I'm gonna have to give all this up" Kelsey lowered her cheek onto the top of my head as I sighed.

"You won't have to give it up, Dem. You'll just have to schedule around a baby."

"Nick isn't gonna wanna be away from his son or daughter for months, it wouldn't be fair for me to do that to them anyway" I undid the cap of water bottle and took a sip, the liquid soothing my throat.

"You never know, you could end up getting back together" I shook my head. The thought of us never being something more serious honestly hurts so fucking much. I want my son or daughter to be around their daddy 24/7. I don't want to be co-parents, but I suppose that's what I've got to settle with, there isn't any other option because Nick doesn't want to get back together, he doesn't want to ruin our friendship.

"I don't think so, Kels" I glanced down at my hands, beginning to play with my fingers. "When I first got with Wilmer, I always used to dream of marrying him and having his children, living in a house with a white picket fence in Texas or somewhere that isn't LA. Then we broke up, I leant on Nick and feelings started to develop. I never wanted to admit that they were there but eventually I did. I couldn't have been happier when he asked me out. I thought he was joking, I thought he was playing a prank or something. I fell so hard for him and then he broke my heart" my eyes welled up with tears that were threatening to pour down my cheeks. "I always thought I'd be married before I had kids. I thought I'd be older. I love my baby so much but everything's gonna change, next year is gonna be so different" Kelsey placed a hand onto my back as I chewed on my lip.

"Maybe it'll be a good change, you never know" I shrugged as I glanced over at her.

"Maybe" or maybe it won't.


I dropped back against the double bed that was situated in the back of the tour bus that would take us to Dublin. I pulled the covers up to my neck but rolled over when the sound of my phone ringing interrupted the silence. I grabbed my phone off the mini nightstand, smiling slightly at the caller ID.

"And what can I do for you, Nick Jonas?" my heart fluttered as his laughter filtered into the tiny room.

"I just saw your post on Instagram. I thought I'd check in on you and see how you're doing?" I couldn't help but to melt at his concern for me. He's always been caring but that's increased over the last couple of weeks and I know it's because of the baby, but it still makes me feel special.

"I'm doing good, baby's treating me well."

"How was the show?" he leant forwards slightly and smiled.

"Amazing. The crowd was incredible" I knew already what he was really wanting to ask. "I didn't fall or overdo myself either so you can stop thinking that" he rolled his eyes, but I smiled, knowing that I'd caught him out.

"You know me too well" I laughed as he grew somewhat shy, his fingers rubbing at his chin as he smiled slightly.

I thought it was cute.

"The benefits of knowing someone for 10 years" it went silent as we just smiled at each other through the phone.

"I'll let you go, don't forget to keep sending me photos. I don't want to miss the growth of our baby" I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop my smile from growing. Nick is going to be the most amazing daddy.

"I won't, goodnight" he smiled as he waved slightly.

"Goodnight. Love ya, D" my heart sunk slightly but I kept the smile plastered on my face and tried to hide my heartbreak as I replied.

"I love you too" and I honestly meant it.


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