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I left Demi's house with a heavy heart because the awkwardness that settled around us was terrifying. When did we become so distant that it made being silent awkward? We used to be able to sit in silence with each other, we used to enjoy sitting in silence with each other. It meant that we were comfortable. I used to love our silence conversations that we used to have across the room with just our eyes.

I climbed into my car, staring up at Demi's house as I slowly backed out of the driveway. The ride back to mine was silent, I hadn't even turned on the radio which is very unusual behaviour for me. I couldn't help but to smile when I saw Jess' car in my driveway. I pulled my car up beside hers and stepped out, heading up to the house with a smile.

"Hello Handsome" the thoughts I had about my relationship with Demi completely flew out the window.

"Hi Gorgeous" I circled my arms around her neck and pulled her against me, my lips pressing a gentle kiss into the nape of her neck. It was at that moment that I remembered the baby growing inside Demi, our baby. "Babe, I-I erm...I need to talk to you" Jess' eyebrows furrowed together as she pulled herself away from the hug but kept her hands on my waist.

"It sounds serious?"

"It kind of is" I tugged Jess and her worried look into the living room. I signalled for her to take a seat and then I knelt down in front of her, my arms either side of her, my fingers tracing patterns on her waist.

"You're not breaking up with me, are you?" I shook my head and she visibly relaxed back against the couch.

"No, but you might want to break up with me."

"Babe, I-I wouldn't..." I stopped her by placing my finger against her lips.

"Don't say that because you don't know what I'm about to tell you" she sighed as she pulled my finger away from her lips and linked our fingers together. She tightened her grip on my hand as it began to shake in hers.

"Have you cheated on me?" I violently shook my head.

"No, I-I would never do that."

"Then you have nothing to worry about" I sighed and adjusted myself on the floor before I looked up at Jess.

"Demi and I, we..." I swallowed, locking my eyes with Jess' as I tried to think of how to word all of this. "A couple of months ago, we were seeing each other, romantically" I might not be in love with Jess, but I'm scared of her leaving. I'm going to need all the support I can get right now.

"You and Demi dated?" I nodded as I looked back up at her. "It was never public. Why didn't you tell me before?"

"It was only for around 3 months; it was kind of a whirlwind relationship" I tightened my hand around Jess' so she couldn't slip her hand from mine. "Just over a week ago, she..." she doesn't need to know about the almost abortion, right? "Demi's pregnant. She's pregnant with my baby."

"Wow" I locked eyes with Jess' wide and surprised ones. I could see a look of hesitation behind her eyes.

"I-I know it's a lot to take in and I wanted to tell you because you mean a lot to me. If we're going to make this relationship work, you need to know" Jess nodded as she glanced down at her hands, chewing down lightly on her bottom lip. As her hands adjusted in mine, I was afraid she'd pull away, but I was thankful when she only tightened her grip around my hand.

 As her hands adjusted in mine, I was afraid she'd pull away, but I was thankful when she only tightened her grip around my hand

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"Nick, you mean a lot to me too" our eyes locked as we shared a small smile. "I mean a baby is a huge responsibility and if I didn't have so many feelings for you, I'd be running for the hills right now, but I'll be there for you. Just promise me that nothing will ever happen between you and Demi again?" the thought of something never happening between Demi and I caused my heart to ache but I pushed away that feeling and leant to press a gentle but passionate kiss to Jess' lips.


It's Only The Beginning (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now