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Nick Jonas spotted looking cosy with ex-girlfriend Olivia Culpo while out with brother Joe Jonas in New York.

Is there a chance this power couple are thinking of giving their relationship another shot?

I have to be honest and say that my heart completely sunk into my stomach. The nausea that I hadn't felt in weeks slowly returned and it wasn't long before I was throwing up into the toilet of my hotel room. I kept my left hand settled on my stomach, my other tangled in my hair as my elbow leant against the toilet seat, helping to keep myself sat up. Out of everyone he could have been seen acting cosy with, it had to be Olivia. Everyone knows I don't like her, I wasn't quiet with my dislike for her. I eventually found the strength to push myself away from the toilet and I dropped back against the wall, my eyes falling closed as I took in deep breaths, my hand running along my stomach. I don't know how I'd deal with Nick dating Olivia. I wouldn't want Olivia around my baby,
that is for sure. I groaned as a knock sounded on the hotel room door. I made no attempt to move, thankfully though, I didn't have to.

"Dem?" I opened my left eye and glanced up at Kelsey as she poked her head around the bathroom door.


"You okay?" I leant back against the wall and released a sigh.

"Yeah" my hand settled on my belly.

"You okay for the show tonight?" I nodded but kept my eyes closed. "Dem, what's the matter? You haven't thrown up in weeks" I heard shuffling and then felt fabric against my arm, indicating that she'd taken a seat beside me.

"Do you think Nick would ever get back with Olivia?" I glanced over at Kelsey who was watching me, a hint of worry in her gaze.

"No" I nodded, glancing down at my hands.

"What time do we have to get to the venue?"

"You have an hour" I groaned which caused Kelsey to chuckle. "You finished throwing up?" I nodded and pushed myself to sit up as Kelsey stood. I watched as she flushed the toilet and grabbed a plastic cup off the bathroom counter which she filled with water. "I'll leave you to freshen up. We'll meet downstairs in 45 minutes" I nodded, taking the cup from her and watching as she left the bathroom. I released a sigh and glanced down at my stomach, taking a gulp of water before deciding that I should probably start making a move.


"Okay, Demi, take a break" I sighed with relief, lowering the mic down onto the mic stand before turning to leave the stage. I didn't acknowledge anyone as I wondered backstage, closing my dressing room door as I entered. I leant back against the door and dropped my head back against the door with a sigh. I can't get Nick and Olivia out of my head.

"That girl" I rolled my eyes as they burnt into Nick and Olivia who were talking to JLo. Olivia was hanging off Nick while smiling her obnoxious smile. "She's so fake" I glanced to Wilmer as he chuckled.

"You almost sound jealous, Hermosa" I shook my head, placing my hand onto his thigh as he brought his bottle of beer up to his smirking lips.

"I only have eyes for one guy around here" I sent him my best innocent smile as I lightly squeezed his thigh.

"Smooth" I chewed down on my lip as I leant to press a gentle kiss to his lips before turning to the table so I could grab my glass of water, taking a sip to sooth my slightly dry throat. I looked up at Nick and Olivia who were beginning towards us and I rolled my eyes and internally groaned. "Behave" I jumped as Wilmer's breath hit the skin beneath my ear. I hit him lightly on the chest which caused him to pull away with a chuckle but not before pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek. I watched as Nick pulled out Olivia's chair for her, the action causing me to look away, glancing over at Wilmer who was staring down at his phone. The actions that continued throughout the night just made me nauseous. I know it's his life but other than her being Miss Universe, she's completely fake. The way that she smiles at you when you talk, the way she giggles, it's just fake.

"Do you have something against Olivia?" I jumped when I heard Nick's voice behind me as I stood at the bar, waiting to be served. I turned to him, giving him a small and my most innocent smile.

"No" he rolled his eyes and I sighed. "She's fake, Nick. How can you not see how fake she is?" he shook his head and crossed his arms.

"Can you at least try and get along with her? If you really get to know her, you'll realise that she's a really nice girl. She isn't as fake as everyone makes her out to be" I glanced to the floor as I sighed, looking back up at Nick to see him pleading with me. "Dem, other than my mother, you are one of the most important girls in my life" his words were making my heart flutter. If I'm one of the most important girls in his life, why isn't he in love with me? Where did that thought just come from? "And I would like for my girlfriend and best friend to get along" for some unknown reason my heart ached as he used the words 'best friend'. I glanced behind Nick and over at Wilmer who was currently in a conservation with Olivia. I sighed and turned back to Nick.

"Okay, I'll try and get along with her. I promise" the smile that took over Nick's features caused my heart to swell.

"I'd love for that to happen. Thank you, D" I sent him a smile as I walked to wrap my arms around him.

How can I deny my best friend of what he wants?

I pulled from my thoughts as a knock sounded on the door. I quickly wiped the tears from my cheeks as I sniffled. I pulled open the door to reveal Jill whose face crumpled with confusion at my fallen tears.

"What's the matter, Sweetheart?"

"Why does falling in love with your best friend have to be so complicated?" Jill wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into her as I dropped my head into her neck and released a sob. I found her embrace a comfort.

"Life's complicated, Sweetie" I pulled away from her and quickly wiped at my cheeks. "He's an idiot for letting you go in the first place" my lips twitched into a weak smile. "Come on, let's get your face sorted" I sniffled and followed behind her as she took my hand and pulled me towards the vanity, her thumb gently stroking at the back of my hand.


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