Forty Three

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"How are you holding up, Baby?" mom stroked a strand of hair behind my ear as I slowly leant back against the hospital bed. A foetal monitor was strapped around my stomach that was monitoring my baby's heartbeat.

"Apparently I'm stronger than I thought because I didn't even realise I was having contractions" my mom gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

"You are so much stronger than you think. Nick said that you're already 5 centimetres?" I nodded, my eyes briefly glancing down at my stomach that I hated but loved the sight of. How is it possible to love something so much but hate it so much at the exact same time?

"Yeah, the back ache that I've been having was the start of it and Dr James checked to see how dilated I am and here I am, apparently in labour" mom could hear the fear that laced my voice as she tightened her grip on my hand. "They said that it could take a while for him to come because it's my first pregnancy but that doesn't make me feel any better" mom sent me a sympathetic smile as she pressed a kiss to the back of my hand. "What if something goes wrong? What if I lose him? I don't-I don't wanna lose him. I can't."

"Nothing is gonna go wrong, Baby. They're monitoring his heartbeat, they'll be alerted straightaway of any changes" I nodded, glancing over at the monitor that was constantly checking my sons heart rate.

"You-You will stay, won't you? Nick said that it was okay."

"I will happily stay here with you, okay?" I nodded, covering my mouth as I yawned. "Try and get some sleep, Baby. You're gonna need all the rest you can get for when he's ready to come. It's best to get it in now" I sighed as I dropped my head back against the pillows.

"Did you call dad?" mom nodded as she took a seat in the chair by the bed.

"He's on his way with Maddie. He's gonna call Dallas to let her know, okay?" I nodded, slowly shutting my eyes, smiling slightly as mom leant to press a kiss to my forehead.


I woke with a wince, my hand flying to my back

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I woke with a wince, my hand flying to my back. I slowly blinked open my eyes which landed on Nick who sat on the chair beside my bed, his eyes closed. I rolled over on the bed and bit down on my bottom lip to suppress my whimper as the pain within my back only seemed to grow worse. I obviously wasn't quiet enough though as Nick woke with a grumble.

"Dem, you okay?" I nodded, harshly biting down on my bottom lip to hold back my cries of pain.

"Yeah, I need to pee. Can you help me up?" Nick chuckled as he pushed himself up from the chair, taking a hold of my hands and helping me to sit up on the bed. I kept a tight hold of Nick's arms as I slowly pushed myself up from the bed. I dropped my head forward and rest it on Nick's chest as the harshest contraction I've had, since they started, ripped through my entire body. It was when the contraction ended that I realised the wetness dribbling down my leg.

"Erm, Dems?" I grumbled as I glanced up at him.

"I think my waters just broke" Nick helped me lower myself back down onto the bed.

"I'm gonna go and find our nurse, okay?" I nodded, watching as Nick turned to leave the room after pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I lowered my hand onto the top of my stomach, tightly closing my eyes as the tightening in my lower back only returned, this time though, it travelled all around to my stomach.

"Hi, Demi. I hear your waters have just broken?" I nodded as I looked up, the nurse having stepped into the room with Nick following along behind her.

"Yeah, all over Nick's shoes" she lightly chuckled.

"You want to lay back on the bed and I'll see how you're doing?" I nodded and gently lowered myself back against the bed, Nick moving to stand at my side. I watched as the nurse pulled on some gloves before settling herself down by my legs. I kept my eyes on Nick as the nurse checked my dilation. "You're around 6 centimetres still."

"I've only dilated a centimetre in 4 hours. Are you kidding me?" I sighed in frustration as I dropped back against the bed.

"This is your first pregnancy so it can take a while for everything to come along, we might have to consider some form of pain relief if nothing's happening though as you'll need all your energy to push" I rapidly shook my head as she spoke. I don't want pain relief.

"No, I-I don't want any pain relief" I glanced briefly up at Nick as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

"She's an ex-addict. She's scared of becoming addicted and relying on it" the nurse nodded in understanding.

"I completely understand, we just don't want her to be in too much pain" she gave Nick a small smile as she grabbed my file off the end of the bed. "We need you to be able to push, Demi. We can discuss it further on down the line and we can make a decision then, okay?" I nodded but my mind was already made up, I don't want any kind of drugs. It may not affect my recovery but I don't want anything. I want to feel everything.


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