Twenty Five

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"Are you going to let mommy and daddy find out what you are today, Little Love?" I spoke as I lightly caressed my belly, glancing up at myself in the mirror. I hate how much my body is changing but I love the reason that it's changing for and that's something that I'm just going to have to deal with. "The world is going to have to find out about you soon because you are growing too fast" I turned to the side and sighed as I pulled the shirt I planned to wear over my head, thankful that it was large enough to hide my bump. I'm not going to be able to hide it much longer though. I turned to leave the closet just as I heard the front door opening downstairs, followed by Batman and Cinderella's excited barking.

"Dems?" Nick called up the stairs and my heart fluttered.

"I'll be down in a minute" I called from my bedroom. I nervously chewed down on my lip as my heart continued to pound against my chest. "Are you the reason that daddy is making me react like this? I honestly can't wait to feel you move in there" I stared down at my bump in silence for a moment, pulling away from my thoughts as I heard Nick's chuckle carry through the house. I grabbed my bag off the bed and threw it over my shoulder before turning to leave my room. I began downstairs, my hand settled on my belly which I had been doing more frequently. I have to refrain from doing it in public though because it makes my bump more obvious. "Hi, Nick" he turned to me with a smile as I stepped into the living room where he was fussing Batman. Cinderella just curled up beside him on the floor.

"Hey, Dems. How are you doing?" I lowered myself down onto the couch behind him, having to stop myself running my fingers through his hair.

"I'm good. I just can't wait to find out the gender. We also need to make an announcement because I don't think I'm going to be able to hide it for much longer" Nick sent me a smile, my eyes fluttering down to his hand that lowered onto my thigh.

"We can make an announcement after the appointment if you want. The worlds going to go crazy but who gives a shit" I couldn't stop myself from biting down on my  lip as I chuckled. Nick doesn't swear.

"You're going to have to stop all that swearing" I smirked.

"With your potty mouth, I don't think we have much of a problem" my mouth dropped open in surprise. "Close your mouth, Babe. You'll catch flies" I don't think either of us noticed that the word 'babe' slipped out of his mouth.

"I can't believe you said that. I don't have a potty mouth" I slapped him lightly on the shoulder as he chuckled.

"Yeah, okay. I'll drop it because I don't really want to deal with your hormones" I hit him again which only caused him to laugh louder. The atmosphere around us slowly settled as I leant back against the couch, my hand caressing my belly.

"I want to feel him or her move so badly" Nick pushed himself up from the floor and lowered himself down onto the couch beside me.

"You felt anything?" I looked over at him and our eyes locked as he lowered his hand onto my stomach.

"Just fat."

"You aren't fat, D" my heart swelled as he pressed a kiss to my temple. "Our baby's in there. Our beautiful little son or daughter" I ran my tongue along my lower lip as my mouth grew dry, his fingertip caressing my stomach. "We have half an hour; you want to go and grab some food or coffee?" I pouted as I turned to look at him.

"I can't have coffee. That's just teasing" he chuckled as he pushed himself up from the couch, holding his hand out for me to take. I took his hand, trying my hardest to ignore the sparks that shot through my body at the touch. "I could do with something to eat though" I spoke just as my stomach grumbled.

"What do you what? Or better yet, what does our baby want?" I couldn't help the wide smile that spread across my face.

"Erm...Taco Bell?"

"Taco Bell it is" I hadn't even realised that we were still holding hands until I looked down as his hand lightly tugged on mine.


"Hi Demi, how do you feel?" Dr James asked as he stepped into the room where I leant back against the bed.

"Fat but I'm slowly dealing with it" he sent me a small smile. Nick tightened his grip slightly on my hand.

"We're going to have to check your weight but again I'll just say whether it's healthy" I nodded, swallowing down the lump that seemed to form in my throat. I pushed myself up from the hospital bed and stepped onto the scales that Dr James lowered onto the floor. "Your weight is perfect, Demi" I couldn't have been more relieved. I honestly don't know how I would have felt if the doctor had said that I weighed too much. I have been feeling extra heavy over the past couple of weeks and that kind of scares me. I hate that I have issues with my weight. All the other checks were carried out which all came back fine. "Now, the fun part" I glanced up at Nick and we shared a wide smile.

"It feels like I've been waiting forever for this moment" Dr James chuckled as I lowered myself back down onto the bed, lifting my shirt to reveal my stomach.

"I'm guessing you want to find out the gender?" Nick and I nodded.

"Yeah, I don't think I can wait until November" he chuckled as he pulled the ultrasound machine closer to the edge of the bed. I glanced up at Nick who smiled and leant to press a kiss to my forehead. The action alone made me want to scream in excitement.

"You felt any movement at all?" I shook my head as I ran my tongue along my lip.

"No but I kind of want to feel something" Dr James squirted the gel onto my stomach before grabbing the probe for the ultrasound machine. I glanced up at Nick who smiled down at me as we clutched onto each other's hands. The room fell silent as the doctor moved the probe along my stomach, pressing down on buttons on the ultrasound machine. Tears poured down my cheeks as the low thumping of my baby's heartbeat filled the room.

"I'm surprised you haven't felt anything yet. You have an active little baby" Dr James turned the screen to face us.

 You have an active little baby" Dr James turned the screen to face us

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"I can see the gender perfectly. Are you both still positive you want to know?" Nick and I nodded.


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