Forty Five

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"Okay, looks like baby boy's finally ready" after over 32 hours in labour, baby Jonas is finally ready. I went into labour on my due date but I'm giving birth the day after which just so happens to be thanksgiving. I'm having a thanksgiving baby.

"It's about time" I hissed as I adjusted myself slightly on the bed. Mom was stood on my right, Nick stood on my left.

"Okay, Demi. You able to put your legs up onto these stirrups for me?" Nick and mom helped me to adjust myself on the bed so I was able to lower my legs into the stirrups, leaving me on full display for everyone in the room.

"You are staying up this end" Nick chuckled at my statement.

"Don't worry, Dems. I don't want to go down that end" he leant to press a kiss to my forehead as I gently lowered myself back against the bed.

"Demi, on your next contraction, I want you to push as hard as you can for me, okay? Just make sure you remember to breathe. I'm sure mom and Nick won't mind you squeezing their hands" mom slid her hand into mine as she gently wiped a few strands of hair from off my face. Nick's hand already had a tight hold of mine.

"Squeeze my hand as tightly as you want, Dems. I honestly don't care. If I never play the guitar again, I won't care. You're giving me something that I can never repay you for" I rolled my eyes which only caused him to chuckle. "You've got this, Dems, okay?" he pressed a kiss to my temple which caused a whole new surge of energy to erupt through me.

It wasn't long before a contraction started, the overwhelming urge to push being a little too much. I gripped tightly onto mom's and Nick's hands as I tried so hard not to scream out in pain. I have never felt pain quite like it and I've been through a lot of shit in my life.

"That was amazing, Sweetheart" I dropped back against the bed, breathless, tears pouring down my cheeks. "On every contraction, I want you to push just like that for me, okay?" I nodded but whimpered as the all too familiar pain started all over again. "Okay, Sweetie. You're doing amazing" it felt like forever before the nurse spoke again, but I didn't feel like anything was actually progressing. "A few more pushes and I should be able to see his head" I glanced over at mom who wiped at my sweaty forehead.

"You're doing so good, Baby Girl."

"Why-Why do I feel like I've been-I've been pushing for hours?" my breathing was laboured, my mouth dry. "It-It doesn't feel like anything's happening" mom leant to press a kiss to my sweaty forehead.

"I know, Baby. You just need to keep pushing, okay? It won't be long before your holding your handsome baby boy."

"Okay" I nodded, and mom pressed another kiss to my forehead. "Okay, I've got this" my hands clutched both mom's and Nick's as I started to push all over again.

"You're doing so amazing, Dems. I am so unbelievably proud of you" those words were enough to give me another lease of life.

"Okay, Demi. I can see the head" I felt my whole body relax slightly as I dropped back against the bed, my breathing heavy and laboured. I'm not entirely sure how long I've been pushing for, but it feels like it's been hours. I could feel myself growing tired, but I found the remaining energy I had to push again. Mom began to wipe at my forehead with a wet cloth that helped a little but it just kind of added to the sweaty feeling. "Demi, I need you to stop pushing for a moment, okay?" I dropped back against the bed, my eyesight growing slightly blurry as I watched the midwife signal towards the team of doctors that also stood in the room.

"What's going on?" I could hear the panic in Nick's voice.

"I need you to keep her awake, okay? Make sure she stays awake" I could slowly feel myself wanting to drift off to sleep. "Demi. Sweetie, I need you to stay awake" I shook my head, glancing up at Nick as he stroked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Dems. Baby, tell me the names that we picked out for our son" a small and tired smile formed on my face at the term of endearment that he used.

"Peyton. I-I like-I like Peyton" my voice was nothing more than a whisper.

"And why do you like Peyton, Baby?" I was trying so hard to stay awake, but it was proving difficult.

"Because-Because it sounds good-good with Jonas" Nick chuckled as he leant to press a kiss to my forehead.

"Peyton Jonas, it's a good name" I glanced to mom, just able to see the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.

"I-I can't push anymore, Nick" he shook his head as he pressed his forehead against my temple, his breath hitting against my neck.

"You don't need to push just yet, Baby" his lips brushed against my ear. "D? Demi stay awake for me" Nick's hand cupped my chin as my eyes closed.

"I-I can't. I'm so tired" Nick lightly tapped the tips of his fingers against my cheeks in an attempt to keep me awake but it didn't work, and everything slowly went black.


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