Forty Seven

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I groaned as I woke, a soreness to my body that I'd never felt. I spend a lot of my time at the gym, but I've never felt so sore. I whimpered as I adjusted myself on the bed, tears burnt at the back of my eyes from the pain. It was then when everything started to sink in.

"Nick?" my voice was nothing but a whisper.

"I'm right here and so is your mom, Dems" they placed their hands into mine and gave them a squeeze.

"Ba-Baby?" I could feel fingers running through my hair as I tried to wake myself up more.

"Try and open your eyes, Baby" mom pressed a kiss to my temple as I slowly blinked open my eyes but they shut almost instantly due to the harshness of the light which caused a low sort of whimper to leave my mouth. "Oh, Beautiful Girl" mom continued to run her fingers through my hair as I sighed. "Take your time, Baby. You don't need to rush, okay?" I slowly blinked open my eyes into little slits.

"I ache so much" Nick gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Baby?" I hummed, trying so hard not to smile at the term of endearment that left Nick's mouth. "You want to meet our son?" I turned my head in his direction, my eyes settling instantly on the bundle of blankets in his arms.

"He-He's here?" Nick nodded, my hand slowly released his so I could reach out to touch him. Nick adjusted himself, so I was able to move the blankets that were covering my view of his face. "Oh, he's so handsome" the tears that I was previously trying to hold back were pouring down my cheeks. "He looks like you, Nick" he lightly smiled.

"I'll go and find someone. We'll get you sat up and I'm sure you'll be able to hold him" I nodded, not removing my eyes from my son as the tears still poured down my cheeks.

"What-What time was he born?"

"He was born at 4:52, he weighs 7lb 12oz. He's perfect, Dem" my heart fluttered, and I tiredly smiled as I kept my eyes locked on my handsome little boy.

"Have you named him?"

"Well, you said you liked Peyton because it sounds good with Jonas" Nick stated with a slight smirk.

"Was I high?" Nick lightly chuckled.

"No, D. You were just out of it" I smiled up at him as he stroked his fingers through the loose strands of my hair. "We don't have to name him Peyton, if you don't like it?" I instantly shook my head, keeping the smile on my face.

"No, no, I like it. Peyton suits him" my heart swelled when a small coo left my sons tiny little mouth. Nick and I shared a smile and I felt this overwhelming urge to pull him down and kiss him, but Peyton was in the way, our son. I don't think I'm ever going to get used to saying that. The silence fell around us as I took in the view of my handsome baby boy. My baby boy that I get to love, spoil and cherish for the rest of my life.

"Demi, it's nice to see you awake" I glanced at the door as it was pushed open and my nurse stepped through with a smile. "We'll get you sat up and get you something to drink, okay?" I nodded, a thankful smile on my face.

"I'm craving some water right now" everyone chuckled.

"Let's get you sat up first. Are you in any pain?" Nick moved away and stood off to the side of the room with my mom. I couldn't help the slight ache to my heart at the slight distance between me and Peyton.

"I ache like all over, but I don't want anything. I just want a cuddle with my boy" she nodded, sending me a bright smile.

"If you change your mind just let me know, okay?" I nodded but I knew I wouldn't. "Let's get you sat up" she grabbed the controls of the bed and I bit down on my lip as it slowly moved me into a sitting position. She stopped moving the bed when I winced. "You okay?" I nodded and sent her a smile. "I'm gonna grab you a jug of water. You need anything else?" I shook my head and thanked her before she turned to leave the room. Nick approached me with Peyton still cradled against his chest.

"You finally want to hold our boy?" I nodded. Nick gently lowered Peyton down into my arms and tears began to pour down my cheeks as I stared down at him. He whimpered as he was moved but instantly settled himself against my chest.

"Hi, Baby Boy" I leant to press a kiss to his forehead, tears mixing in with the kiss. "You are so handsome. I love you so much, Baby, and I promise to never leave you" I looked up at Nick as he ran his fingers gently through my hair. "He better have your curls" Nick chuckled as he leant to press a kiss to the top of my head. Neither of us noticed when mom left. "He doesn't have my chin either, thank god" Nick breathlessly chuckled.

"If it's any constellation, I love your chin" my body tingled as our eyes locked.

"I think you're the only person" the silence slowly fell around us as we kept our eyes locked.

"D, I..." I cut him off before he could continue.

"You have my phone?" he nodded, shoving his hand into his pocket and pulling out my iPhone. "Can you take a picture of his feet?" Nick scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion but opened my phone and adjusted the blanket around Peyton's feet, so that they were sticking out. "I have an idea for an announcement. I'm not gonna announce his name or anything, I just kind of want to announce that he's here" Nick nodded, a small smile on his face as he handed me my phone.

"I'll repost it" I nodded as I looked up at him with a smile.

Liked by matthew_scott_montgomery, wilmervalderrama and 6,971,972 othersddlovato my little something to be thankful for 💙💙💙View all 997,982 commentssirahsays AHH! Cuteness Overload🥺 can't wait for a cuddle❤️nickjonas so proud💗

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Liked by matthew_scott_montgomery, wilmervalderrama and 6,971,972 others
ddlovato my little something to be thankful for 💙💙💙
View all 997,982 comments
sirahsays AHH! Cuteness Overload🥺 can't wait for a cuddle❤️
nickjonas so proud💗


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