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Avoiding Nick isn't easy, especially when you're carrying his child. He comes over unannounced, muttering that he only comes over because he cares. I've blown up at him a couple of times because he just shows up at my front door. The rumours of the baby haven't died down but my baby's possible daddy has changed throughout the two weeks that have gone by. There were rumours that Wilmer was the dad after we were seen out together. Nick didn't like that I went out with Wilmer and that was the last time that we spoke.

I pulled open the front door, internally sighing when my eyes landed on Nick who stood on my porch with his hands shoved in the pocket of his jeans. He looked as handsome as ever which just made me angry at him.

"What are you doing here?" my stomach clenched at the sight of him

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"What are you doing here?" my stomach clenched at the sight of him.

"Why are going out with Wilmer?" I rolled my eyes, my mouth hung open as he pushed his way into the house.

"Erm, I don't think that's any of your business" I turned to him, slamming the front door closed.

"Well, I think it is my business because you're carrying my baby" he turned to me, his eyes burning into mine, a slight glare to his gaze, he was sure to put enthesis on the word 'MY'.

"Just because we were seen out together doesn't mean that we're dating. He's one of my best friends, he's been one of my best friends for nearly 7 years. Anyway, we're not dating so why are you acting jealous? And for your information, it isn't your baby, it's our baby" I kind of like that he seemed jealous of me being seen having lunch with Wilmer, but I wasn't going to allow him to see that. I'm not giving him the satisfaction.

"You're carrying my..." he stopped himself for a moment before he continued. "You're carrying our baby, Demi, and I think I get a say in who I want my baby around, don't I?"

"Just because I'm carrying our baby, it doesn't make me your property, Nick, it doesn't mean that I'm yours. I can date anyone that I want because I'm single and there's nothing that you can do about that" I watched as Nick's nostrils flared, his hands still shoved in the pockets of his jeans. He was going to fight me on this until his last breath.

"I don't want my baby to grow up with another guy around 24/7. That's my baby" I shook my head and groaned.

"Nick, whether there's another guy around or not, you are still the baby's dad" he shook his head and glanced away with a roll of his eyes. "You need to get over the feelings that you obviously have, Nick, because you were the one who said that we'd never get back together again. You've moved on, you can't expect me not to do the same" Nick eyes burnt into mine and the look that he was giving me had me confused.

"That's the thing, I don't want you to move on. I don't want you to find someone new, especially not while you're carrying our baby."

"Nick, that's not fair."

"I know " he glanced down at the floor.

"Nick, you need to let me move on if there's never going to be another chance for us. If you've decided that you don't want to be with me anymore then you need to let me go" Nick remained silent but I couldn't keep my feelings in. "I'm going to want to eventually move on. Nick, you can't stop me from moving on and falling in love because you're confused on your feelings. Nick, that isn't fair on me. It isn't fair for you to stop me from moving on because you..." I was cut off by lips on mine. For a moment, I was stunned but then reality kicked in and I pushed him away. "Nick, what the fuck?" his eyes burnt into mine and I could see the turmoil behind his hazel orbs. "You can't keep doing that. You've moved on, Nick. You can't keep kissing me because it's just as confusing to me as it is to you. Just go and I'll see you next week for the appointment, that's if you still wanna fucking go" I kept my eyes down, Nick didn't even acknowledge me as he walked past me and left the house. My tears of frustration and confusion finally falling from my eyes.

Today is that appointment and there's no saying of how Nick and I are going to be around each other. The tension just seems to be getting worse. This is the reason I didn't want my baby in the first place. I didn't want the awkwardness.

"You think daddy's going to behave himself today? You even think daddy's gonna come?" I spoke softly as I grabbed my phone off the bathroom counter, taking a quick photo of the slight bloat. I can't believe that I have a baby in my belly. I know that I'm going to see a lot of changes happen to my body, changes that are going to take a while to get used too. I suppose I just have to remember that I'm brewing a baby. "I'm going to make a whole album dedicated to you, Baby. It can be something that I can show you when you're older" I smiled as I ran my hand along the tiny little bump.

 It can be something that I can show you when you're older" I smiled as I ran my hand along the tiny little bump

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I jumped at the sound of the doorbell, Batman and Ella's barking pulled me from my little daydream. I pulled my shirt all the way down, so it covered my bump before turning to leave the room. My heart began to pound as it dawned on me that Nick was stood on the other side of the front door.

I released a breath, hesitating slightly as I unlocked the door and eventually pulled it open to reveal Nick.




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