Thirty Two

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I groaned awake at the sound of my ringtone. I wormed my arm from beneath my sheet and grabbed my phone off my nightstand. My eyes opened in slits and I answered immediately at the caller ID.

"Demi, are you okay?" Demi is carrying my baby, if she rings at stupid hours in the morning, it's my duty to answer.

"No" I began to worry as she sniffled.

"Dems, what's wrong? Please, tell me that you're not in pain" Demi is only 23 weeks, it's too soon for her to be having contractions. If she goes into labour now, we'll lose the baby. All I could hear through the phone was sniffling and that wasn't helping me to stop panicking. "Demi, are you having contractions?" my voice was shaky as I spoke, fear evident in my voice. I don't know what Demi having a miscarriage will do to her, never mind what it will do to me.

"I'm out of pickles" I groaned out in relief.

"Demi, I swear to god you nearly gave me a heart attack" I released a breath, my hand on my chest as I tried to calm down my rapidly thumping heart.

"This isn't funny, Nick. I don't have any pickles."

"Demi, it is 3:30 in the morning" I couldn't hide my annoyance at being woken at 3 in the morning because Demi is out of pickles. Over the past week, she's been having some odd cravings and one of those is pickles, peanut butter and vanilla ice cream, all shoved together.

"Nick, I want pickles" she whined, and the sound irritated me. I hate whining so much, but I did have a part in getting her into this situation and I don't want to have to deal with a pissed off and pregnant Demi because that isn't a great combination. Pissed off Demi is bad enough, never mind pissed, pregnant and hormonal Demi.

"I will go and get you some pickles" I sighed in defeat. "You want anything else while I'm out?" I gently removed the sheet from around my legs and climbed out of bed.

"Can you get me some sour patch kids too?" I could only imagine the puppy look she'd be giving me if I were stood right in front of her.

"I'll be over in 30" I grumbled as I moved to get dressed.


"This is why I decided to have a baby with you" I rolled my eyes and Demi giggled as she took the plastic bag from me.

"How are you so awake this early?" I followed Demi into the kitchen. She was practically skipping in excitement.

"I slept most of yesterday so I'm not really tired" I lowered myself down onto the stool at the counter and watched as Demi fluttered around the kitchen. Every time her bump caught my eye line, a warm feeling spread through my body. "You can go and crash in one of the guest bedrooms, if you want more sleep?" I shook my head as she turned to face me, taking a bite out of a pickle.

"Nah, I'm awake" she sent me her best innocent smile.

"Nah, I'm awake" she sent me her best innocent smile

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"I'm sorry. I just thought that you'd be the easiest person to call" I shook my head as I sent her a smile. I knew already that I wouldn't be able to sleep so there was no point in trying.

"That's okay, D. But can we please not make it so scary next time. You honestly nearly gave me a heart attack, Dems" she giggled as she stepped towards me, lowering the pickles and peanut butter down onto the counter.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" I looked up at her with a smile. "Baby's fine anyway, give me your hand" I lowered my hand into hers and smiled as she placed my hand onto her stomach. "He just wanted some pickles and mommy got a little emotional because we didn't have any. I ate them all yesterday" the nudging against my hand will never get old.

"Baby is eventually gonna need a name, we can't keep calling him baby or Squid forever" Demi chuckled which caused a smile to erupt onto my face.

"I think Squid Jonas has a nice ring to it" I swear my heart skipped a beat. My mouth slowly began to drop in surprise.

"Jonas?" she turned to glance at me, her eyes meeting mine as she nodded, biting down on her bottom lip.

"Yeah, you are his dad, Nick" I had to blink to stop the tears from welling up in my eyes. "Why wouldn't he have your last name?" I just assumed he'd have Lovato as his last name. "Are you crying?" I glanced away from Demi who released this adorable sort of squeal. "Nick, he was always gonna be a Jonas. There was never any doubt in my mind that he wasn't gonna be a Jonas" I glanced to face her, my lips forming into a smile as I tried to blink back the tears that were slowly welling in my eyes. I didn't expect this to make me so emotional.

"I-I just didn't...You know because we aren't together I-I just thought-I just assumed he'd be a Lovato, you'd have the same last name" Demi shook her head, her gorgeous smile spread across her face.

"He's a Jonas, Nick" I couldn't have fallen in love with her any more than I did in that moment.

"He's a Jonas, Nick" I couldn't have fallen in love with her any more than I did in that moment

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