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I stared off at the living room door that Demi had just disappeared out of, my head and heart were having an internal conflict about the entire situation. Demi agreed that we should break up, it wasn't just my decision, she didn't try to stop me. If she didn't want us to end, why didn't she stop me? Why didn't she fight for us? Why did she just let me walk out?

I pulled from my daze when I heard the most heart-breaking sob. Batman pushed himself up from the floor and ran towards the kitchen, Cinderella followed not too far behind him. I pulled my phone from the pocket of my jeans as it started to vibrate, and I sighed at the caller ID. My thumb hovered over the ignore button as I glanced towards the kitchen. I was having an internal conflict but I ended up pressing accept on the call anyway.

"Hi Gorgeous."

"Hi Handsome. I was just wondering whether you'd forgotten that we had made plans for lunch?" I glanced at the clock that hung on the wall. 13:07. My eyes widened when I realised that I was supposed to pick her up from work over an hour ago so that we could have a lunch date.

"Shit. Babe, I am so sorry. I know it's late but I'm going to have to cancel, something's come up and I kind of got side-tracked. I'm so sorry, is there any chance we could reschedule? Maybe we could do tomorrow instead? Unless you're free tonight for dinner?" I heard a sigh on the other side of the phone, and I ran my hand over my head in slight frustration.

"I can't do tonight but I can make myself free tomorrow, if you want to meet up then?" I hate that I'm leading her on, but I can't help it. I can't stop myself.

"I'll pick you up at 12 tomorrow and I promise I won't forget" she seemed pretty satisfied, so we spoke our farewells and hung up. I turned back to the living room door and sighed, running my hands over my head before I pushed myself up from the couch. I shoved my hands into my pockets and brought my lips into a thin line as I stepped into the kitchen. Demi was facing away from the door, but I could still hear her constant sniffles.

"You can go, you don't have to stay" I jumped, not even thinking that she knew I was stood in the same room as her.

"Dems" she turned around and, in that moment, I hated myself for ever asking her out. I know that our friendship will never be the same again. We won't ever be the way we were before I pursued a relationship with her.

"I-I never thought you were the guy who would make someone fall in love with them but then ditch them without a backwards glance. It took you less than a month to get with your girlfriend so obviously you didn't love me as much as you said you did" I went to speak but Demi cut me off by holding her hand up. "I still love you, Nick. I don't-I don't think that's ever going to change" she lifted her hand up to wipe away the tears from her cheeks. "I don't think we're going to be anything more than friends again, right?" I glanced briefly down at the floor which gave her the answer she needed. "You can go" I glanced back up to meet her gaze, the heartbreak in her eyes caused my heart to shatter into a thousand pieces.

"Demi, I don't want to ruin our friendship" she just rolled her eyes. I feel bad for constantly breaking this girl's heart, but I've had a taste of what it's like not having her as a friend and I don't want to go through that again. I need her in my life, and if I have to sacrifice my happiness for that then so be it.

"You can go, Nick. I'll let you know when I have an appointment" I stepped towards her but stopped as her heartbroken eyes burnt into mine.

"Demi, I..."

"Just go, Nick. Please" I sighed in defeat and nodded.

I just need to give her time.


"Why do you look so sorry for yourself?" I turned to Joe as he stepped into the living room, carrying two already open beers. I took one from him, took a sip and then released a breath.

"Demi's pregnant" I've never hidden anything from Joe, he's always pulled secrets out of me.

"Wait what?" I glanced to Joe whose eyes were wide with surprise and if the topic wasn't so serious, I actually would have laughed. "Demi's pregnant?" I nodded before I spoke.

"I got a call from Kelsey a couple hours ago, she kept apologising, kept telling me that she tried to stop her, but she couldn't" Joe's eyes just filled more with confusion and his eyebrows furrowed together. "Demi planned to get an abortion, she was going through with it when Kelsey rang me. I knew I was too late to stop her so I went over to her house so I could get answers instead" I brought the beer bottle up to my lips and took a small sip. "I wanted to know why she did it and why she didn't tell me. Well, I got a surprise when she got home" I released a sigh. "I'm going to be a dad, Joe" his eyes only widened more which caused me to release a nervous chuckle as I glanced down at my lap, running my finger around the rim of the beer bottle.

"She didn't have the abortion?"

"I don't think our relationship is ever going to be the same again, she's admitted to being in love with me, but I can't..."

"You can't what?" I ran my hand over my head and sighed.

"I don't want to possibly ruin our friendship. I don't want us to be together just because we're having a baby. I know we were brought up on the values that you shouldn't have children before marriage, but I-I don't know...I know that I love her, but I-I don't want to..." I glanced to Joe who nodded.

"Ruin the friendship?" I nodded, running my hand down my face as I sighed. "Contradicts her song a little, huh?" I rolled my eyes at the way his lips formed into a smirk.

"I know how fragile she can be, and I don't want to cause her any unnecessary pain" Joe sighed as he leant to place his hand on my shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Anyway, I have Jess. I don't need Demi" Joe gave me a look which caused me to sigh and roll my eyes.


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