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I dialled Demi's number, sighing for the fourth time as it went straight to her voicemail. I removed the phone from my ear and locked it, dropping it down onto the couch beside me. I ran my hand over my head as I stared off at the TV. I grabbed my phone when it eventually started to ring, hopeful that it was Demi, but I sighed when I realised that it wasn't.

"Hi Mom."

"Hi Handsome Boy, how are you doing?" I rolled my eyes at the nickname but smiled as it came from my mother. My mom can call me whatever she wants, and I wouldn't care. I've always been a mommy's boy.

"I'm decent. I went out with Joe last night, so I have a bit of a hangover" I rubbed at my temples as I sighed.

"Yeah, there's photos of you and Olivia looking cosy" I removed my fingers from my temples and scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. I wasn't that drunk to forget that, was I? Olivia isn't someone I could just forget.

"Mom, I..." I shook my head and groaned, leaning to grab the remote control off the coffee table, turning it over to E! I kept my eyes on the TV that was playing the news as I continued talking to my mom.

"Why would you get involved with an ex that you know Demi never liked? Nick, Demi is carrying your baby, before even getting into another relationship, you should be focusing on the mother of your baby" I sighed and dropped myself back on the couch, tuning out my mother as she rambled on about how it was wrong for me to involve myself with an ex. I sat up straight when a photo of me and Olivia flashed up on my tv screen, the title made me roll my eyes.

 I sat up straight when a photo of me and Olivia flashed up on my tv screen, the title made me roll my eyes

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'A reunion for one of Hollywood's power couples?'

I shook my head and focused my attention back on my mom who was still rambling through the phone. Olivia and I were never a 'power' couple.

"Mom" and she continued. "Mom" she fell silent, so I continued. "I'm not getting into another relationship and I'm certainly not getting back with Olivia. That boat has sailed. Demi and our baby is the only thing on my mind" I pulled my phone away from my ear as it vibrated with a notification.

Joe: Going out probably wasn't the best idea! I think Sophie's going to kill me because I'm hungover 😫

"Mom, I'm gonna go, just know that I'm not getting back together with Olivia. I will never be getting back with Olivia."

"Good. I'm kind of rooting for you and Demi to get back together anyway."

"Yeah, I-I'll see you soon. I love you, Mom" I changed the tv back to ESPN, fed up already with showbiz news.

"I love you too, Baby Boy" I hung up the phone, instantly replying to Joe's message with a sarcastic comment.


I continued through the streets of New York; my hands shoved into the pockets of my jeans as I tried to ignore the paparazzi that were shouting their ridiculous questions at me.

"Nick, are the rumours about you and Olivia true?"

"Are you getting back with her, Nick?" I rolled my eyes, my hands fisting in my pockets as I sighed.

"Are the rumours about Demi being pregnant with your baby also true? Neither you or her have commented."

The nerve of these people.

"Did you and Demi have a friend with benefits relationship?" I ignored everything that they were screaming at me as I stepped through the double doors to the gym, thankful that they couldn't follow me inside. I breathed a sigh of relief and looked around until my eyes landed on Joe.

"Hey, Bro" I pulled him into a hug, slapping him lightly on the back as he did the same to me.

"Thanks for meeting me. I need to sober up otherwise I think Sophie will honestly kill me. She's pissed because I missed a meeting about flowers" I chuckled as he rolled his eyes.

"Come on" I pulled him further into the gym.


We were at the gym for hours, spending some quality bro time together. I know that the time we spend together will thin out when the baby comes, and he's married but I know that we'll always have each other. My older brother means too much to me. He's my older brother but he's also my best friend.

"You wanna grab something to eat?" I glanced to Joe with a nod before I glanced down at my phone as it vibrated, my heart fluttered at the caller ID. I answered the call without a moment's hesitation.

"Hi Dems" I answered, placing the phone to my ear.

"Are you getting back with Olivia?" I couldn't do anything but chuckle. I could definitely hear the jealousy in her voice.

"Hello Demi, it's nice to hear your voice" I smiled as I imagined her rolling her eyes at me.

"Nick, I'm serious. Are you getting back with Olivia?" I glanced to Joe who was watching me with his eyebrows raised.

"I'm not getting back with Olivia. I will never be getting back with Olivia, she's the last person I see myself with" Joe chuckled, obviously making a guess to who was on the other end of the phone and I can guarantee he was correct.

"Good" I couldn't stop my heart from fluttering as I realised that she was jealous. "If you had have been, I wouldn't have let her around the baby so we would have had a bit of a problem" I rolled my eyes and shook my head. She wouldn't have really kept me from seeing the baby if I got back together with Olivia, would she?

"Well, we don't have that problem" Joe signalled towards the exit and I nodded, following along behind him, thankful that there were no paparazzi and even the paparazzi that were around were at a distance.

"That's alright then" I found myself smirking as I kept the phone pressed against my ear, Joe walked beside me as we began towards the diner that we always visit when in NYC.

"How are you?" I didn't want to ask specifically about the baby with paparazzi lurking around. Who knows what they can hear, they're like bats, they hear everything.

"I'm good. I threw up this morning but I'm not sure whether it was morning sickness or something else" my heart ached. I physically don't want to be away from her anymore.

"Let's hope it isn't anything serious" I followed behind Joe and into the diner where we were seated in a corner booth in the back, giving us our own privacy.

"It shouldn't be, but I'll keep you updated" I lowered myself down into the booth, opposite Joe who instantly started looking through the menu.

"I've got to go, D. I'll talk to you soon" we spoke our goodbyes before I hung up, a smile on my face as I grabbed the menu.

"Why don't you visit her?" I scrunched my eyebrows together as I looked up at Joe over my menu. "You obviously miss her."

Maybe I do but do I really want to visit her in Europe? Does it not seem a bit extreme for someone I'm not even in a relationship with?


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