Thirty Eight

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I watched as Joe paced around the room, his hands fiddling with the tie that hung loose around his neck.

"Are you gonna stop pacing?" Joe glanced at me with a sigh, turning to face the mirror that leant against the wall.

"What if something goes wrong?" I rolled my eyes as I stepped towards him, thankful that it was only Joe and I in the room. Dad was outside with mom, sorting out a few last-minute things and Frankie and Kevin were off welcoming guests.

"Nothing is gonna go wrong, Joe. You've been planning this for nearly a year, everything is gonna be perfect. I thought the stressing was for the bride" he just rolled his eyes.

"You know, I've never felt this strongly about someone. I always thought that I was planning to propose too early into our relationship" he lowered himself down onto the couch. "And then you came along and convinced me to do it. You told me that when you find the perfect woman, that you would know, and I did. You said to never let her go, to grow some balls and just do it" I sent him a smile as I lowered myself down beside him on the couch.

"I was right, wasn't I?" I tried not to look smug.

"Yeah, but you should really take your own advice" I watched him curiously as he glanced at me with a smile, rolling his eyes when it didn't click. "Demi, Man" I rolled my eyes and shook my head, glancing down at my hands that sat in my lap. "You love her, don't you?" I nodded. "Then, why are you letting her go? You always used to say that when you know, you know" I rubbed the palms of my hands together that were slowly beginning to sweat. "She's carrying your baby, Nick. She loves you so much. The way that she looks at you, I know that you aren't going to like this, but it's the way that she always used to look at Wilmer, there's just a tad more intensity to it" I had to refrain from rolling my eyes at the mention of Wilmer. I'm trying so hard to be cool with their friendship but it's difficult when I remember that they dated for 6 years. She loved him for over 6 years. "Nick, if you don't snatch her up, you will lose her. If you don't tell her how you feel, she will eventually move on to someone else. How would you feel if she told you that she was engaged to another man?" we sat there in silence, only being pulled from the silence when a gentle knock sounded on the door. I pushed myself up from the couch and began to the door, pulling it open and my heart skipped a beat when my eyes landed on Demi who looked breathtakingly beautiful. She was wearing a dress that perfectly hugged her bump. She looks radiant.

"Hey, Dems

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"Hey, Dems. What are you doing here?"

"I got here early so I thought I'd come and check on the groom, make sure he's not got cold feet" I chuckled as I leant slightly against the door. The silence fell around us, the only thing running through my head being what Joe had said just moments ago. Would I be okay if she got engaged to another man? "Nick?" I jumped from my thoughts and glanced up at Demi who was watching me with curious eyes.

"Sorry, what?" she giggled and my heart skipped a beat.

"Are you okay?" I nodded, opening the door further so she could step inside.

"Yeah, just something Joe said. You can come in" she scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion but stepped into the room anyway.

"Hey, DJ Danger" Joe glanced up at her with a smirk.

"Hey, D Love" she giggled, and my heart did a flip. Demi stepped towards him, her hand resting on her thirty-week bump. I can't believe that we're only a matter of weeks away from meeting our son. I had a small smile on my face as I watched Joe and Demi hug. Demi is someone I could imagine spending the rest of my life with.

Why do I always have to screw everything up?


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