Twenty Four

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I kept my eyes on Demi as Dianna left the house, the silence around us was slightly awkward.

"How was the rest of tour?" I lowered myself down onto the couch, Batman instantly turned to me and I scratched at the top of his head as he tried to lick at my arm which caused Demi to giggle. The sound made my entire body cover itself in goosebumps.

"It was good. It was nice to see some of my fans. It was difficult to hide my belly for the last couple of shows though."

"What time is the appointment next week?" I was trying to keep the conversation flowing. I don't like when it's awkward.

"It's at 12, you remember the date?" I stuck my tongue out at her as she sent me a smirk, the living room eventually filling with her gorgeous, amazing and infectious giggle.

"Thursday July 5th. How could I possibly forget?" the smile that took over her face caused my heart to flutter. "You still off to your parents July 4th?"

"Yeah I am. I'm more excited to find out whether we're having a baby girl or boy. A mini me or you" I smiled, my smile widened as Demi grabbed my hand and lowered it onto her bump. "Maddie and Dallas have a bet about the gender" I chuckled, not surprised in the slightest. Demi's hand still resting on top of mine. "You want to make a bet?" the twinkle in her eyes caused my lips to twitch into a smirk. Demi has never been able to resist a competition.

"I guess I don't have much of a choice."

"Well, I think we're having a little boy. What are you willing to lose, Nicholas?" I chuckled, glancing briefly around her room before locking my eyes with Demi's.

"I bet you 50bucks that we're having a little girl" the look that crossed Demi's face told me that she accepted.

"You're on" she held her hand out for me to shake and the instant my hand touched hers, the electric shocks started.


"You have a bet? How old are you?" I raised my eyebrows at Joe, a slight smirk playing on my lips causing him to roll his eyes. "Okay, fine. I have a bet with Sophie, so what?" I chuckled, shaking my head as I took a sip from my mug.

"What did you bet?" I was curious to know if we had the same thought. I honestly couldn't care what gender the baby is, as long as it's healthy, but I just have a feeling it's a little girl.

"I think you're going to have a little girl" a smile erupted onto my face. "I think we're all destined to have girls after Kevin's had two."

"Yeah, so do I" Joe smiled as he leant back against the couch.

"So, are you nervous at all?"

"Well yeah" I glanced over at Joe who was watching me intently. "I always imagined having kids. I just thought I'd be married before that started happening. I also never expected that it would be with Demi, especially after I shattered her head into a million tiny pieces" Joe sent me a tiny smile. "Before we ever got together, I never thought we would. I always thought we'd just be best friends. I mean, we've known each other since we were 14, I only ever dreamt about her carrying my baby and that's all I ever thought it'd be, a dream" Joe placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze. "I love her so much, Joe" I glanced down at my hands that were wrapped around my mug. "But I've already broken her so much. I can't do that to her again" I glanced over at Joe as he adjusted himself on the couch.

"Nick, if you love her as much as you say you do, why are you even wanting to let her go? Demi is one of a kind, she's a special girl who deserves to be loved like she's the only girl in the world."

"I just don't want to be the reason she breaks completely" Joe gave my back a pat as I sighed

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"I just don't want to be the reason she breaks completely" Joe gave my back a pat as I sighed.

"You've got to do what you think is right, Nick. You and Demi are right for each other. Imagine she finds someone else and she moves on, they end up getting engaged and you've lost her for good, how would that make you feel?" I brought my lips into a thin line knowing that I didn't even need to think about it to know the answer and Joe didn't even need me to reply for him to know the answer to that question.

"It would break me."

"There's your answer. Don't give up, Nick" I nodded and sighed as I leant back against the couch. I love her but I don't want to be the reason she's ever broken. I couldn't live with that all over again.


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