Forty Eight

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"Hi Baby" mom's arms wrapped around me as she pulled me into a tight hug. I smiled at dad over mom's shoulder, my eyes catching sight of Sophie and Joe as they followed along behind. "How's Demi doing? How's my grandson?" a wide smile spread across my face as I pulled from the hug.

"We had a little scare. Demi lost 3 pints of blood and needed a blood transfusion, it was-it was terrifying but she's gonna be fine" mom sent me a sympathetic smile as she lowered her hand onto my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Everything's good now. Everyone's amazing. He's had his first feed and he-he's amazing. You want to come and meet him?" they all nodded. They followed behind me as I lead them towards Demi's room that held my world. "I brought some visitors, is it alright if they come in?" Demi nodded as I poked my head around the door, only stepping in when I knew it was okay for them to enter.

"Hi Guys" Demi tiredly smiled as everyone stepped into the room.

"Hi Sweetheart, how are you feeling?" mom wrapped her arms around Demi and pressed a kiss to her temple.

"I'm tired but I'm good. I ache so much but it's totally worth it because he's incredible" mom chuckled, her attention then fell on the plastic crib on the other side of the bed that held our sleeping baby boy.

"Oh, he's so handsome" she began around the bed so she could get a closer look at her grandson, this giving dad, Joe and Sophie time to hug and congratulate Demi and myself. "Oh, he looks like the perfect mixture of you both" mom covered her mouth with her hand as the tears poured from her cheeks. "He has your nose, Demi" I smiled down at Demi who was watching mom coo over Peyton.

"I think he looks more like Demi" mom wondered back around the bed, towards me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug

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"I think he looks more like Demi" mom wondered back around the bed, towards me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you both" she placed her hands onto both sides of my face causing my face to scrunch up, everyone chuckled at my reaction. "Oh, my babies are all grown up" my eyes wondered over to Joe who rolled his eyes which earned him a slap on the chest from Sophie.


"He's so tiny" Madison commented as she cradled Peyton against her chest.

"He's so handsome" Dallas stated as she remained beside Maddie, her index finger clutched in Peyton's fist. "And Peyton is such a handsome name. I think auntie Dallas is gonna have a problem with keeping all those future love interests away" I glanced over at Demi as she rolled her eyes but she had a wide smile spread across her face as Dianna remained by her side, her fingers running through her daughters hair.

My family stayed for over an hour, each of them getting a hold of Peyton. Sophie fussed over him the most, mumbling every so often about how much she wants one. It's obvious Joe's hesitant, but I know he'll be an amazing dad.

"You'll have to get in line behind his momma" Dallas sent Demi a smile as Demi yawned.

"Oh, Baby. We'll get going, okay? We'll let you get some sleep" Dianna cooed as she pressed a kiss to Demi's temple. "I love you, Baby Girl."

"I love you too, Momma. Thank you for everything."

"You don't need to thank me, Gorgeous. It's my job as your mom. We'll come back tomorrow, okay?" Demi nodded as she sent her mom a smile. "Get some sleep, Baby Girl" Dianna moved away as Eddie stepped in, wrapping his arms around Demi and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"I'm so proud of you, Baby."

"I love you, Daddy" Eddie tightened his grip around her.

"I love you too, Princess" he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, my attention being pulled from Demi and Eddie and onto Dianna who was cooing down at Peyton who now lay in her arms.

"I love you so much, Handsome Boy. You be a good boy for your mommy and daddy, okay? I don't want to hear any stories" I chuckled which caused Dianna to smile up at me. I gently took him from her, everyone gave us their congratulations before leaving the room.

"Let's get you settled, Buddy" I gently lowered Peyton into the plastic crib, glancing over at Demi who tiredly smiled at us.

"You're so good with him" I sent her a smile as I made sure he was all covered before settling myself down in the chair beside Demi's bed. The silence fell around us, but I knew that I needed to speak my mind. "I love you, Dems, and I don't just mean as a friend" her eyes sparkled as she slowly adjusted herself on the bed so that she was facing me, her hand reached out to take a hold of mine.

"You're not just saying it because I just gave birth to your son?"

"I mean it 100%, Dem. I've never meant anything so much. I've been wanting to say it for months but-but I just felt like I ruined everything. I don't blame you if you don't love me back" Demi's hand tightened around mine and a smile spread across her face that completely warmed my heart.

"How could I not? I love you too, Idiot" I lightly chuckled causing Demi's smile to widen. "But is there any chance we can talk about this tomorrow because I'm so tired?" I chuckled, nodding as I leant to press a kiss to her forehead.

"Of course we can" I watched with a smile on my face as she slowly fell asleep, her hand still locked in mine.

There is no denying the love I have for this girl. I can only hope the future I dream of, will become a reality.


The next chapter is the last so I just want to say thank you for all the reads, likes and comments. It means so much that you all enjoyed this story❤️

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