Forty Two

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I stood beside Demi; my hand clutched in hers as we waited for Dr James. Demi was staring up at the ceiling, her other hand settled on her belly. My attention was grabbed by the many posters and pictures around the room, but my thoughts were interrupted when Demi whimpered.

"You okay?" she nodded as she removed her hand from mine.

"Yeah, I'm good just backache" I leant to press a kiss to her forehead, pulling away just as Dr James entered the room.

"Demi, how are we doing?" Demi nodded, a small but tired smile on her face. "Are you experiencing any pain at all?" Demi glanced briefly up at me.

"I've got bad backache that's just getting worse."

"Does it come and go or is it a constant ache?" I stroked a strand of hair behind Demi's ear.

"It comes and goes but it's starting to become unbearable" Dr James nodded and turned his attention to the ultrasound machine as Demi looked up at me, her eyes filled with worry. I just sent her an encouraging smile.

"I'm gonna check what's going on with baby but I'm pretty sure that you're in labour, Demi" the smile on my face widened but it dropped as I looked down at Demi, she looked fucking terrified. I squeezed her hand, but her eyes didn't budge from whatever they were fixed on. Dr James squirted some gel onto Demi's stomach, lowering the probe onto her bump and my heart soared as the low and quick thumping filled the room. "Baby's heartrate is perfect. He looks in the perfect position for labour. I think your baby is ready to meet the world, Demi" I glanced down at Demi just in time to see a single tear drop roll down her cheek. I lifted my hand and gently wiped the tear away with my thumb which caused Demi to look up at me. My heart hurt at the fear in her eyes. "I'm gonna need to see how dilated you are, Demi. So, we can see if you need to stay in the hospital, is it alright if I ask for you to change into this gown?" Demi nodded as she glanced over at Dr James. I helped her to sit up on the bed and stand. I took the gown from Dr James as I guided Demi towards the little area that was sectioned off for privacy. Demi remained quiet as I helped her change into the gown, my thoughts wanting to be happy because I'm finally getting to meet my son but the worry for Demi completely overshadowed my excitement. I suppose we never talked about labour. "Okay, Demi. I'm just gonna check whether you're dilated, is that okay?" Demi numbly nodded, her hand limp in my own. I tightened my grip on her hand as the doctor began to check her. "Okay. You're officially in labour, Demi. You're 5 centimetres dilated so I'm gonna make a quick phone call and get you sent up to maternity" I tried to contain my smile, but it proved difficult. "You can remain in the hospital gown; I'll be back in just a minute" I nodded and thanked the doctor just before he left the room.

"I'm not ready."

"Hey, talk to me" I stroked my finger along the side of her face, gently wiping away her tears as her chin quivered.

"I'm scared, Nick. What-What if I'm a terrible mom when he gets here? Wh-What if I can't handle it?" I shook my head, leaning to press a kiss to her forehead. Our eyes remained locked as I pulled away.

"We're in this together, okay? I don't know how to look after a baby either, so we'll learn together. You are not gonna be a terrible mom, Dems, and you are not alone in this" she sniffled and my heart broke. "Your mom's here to help us out for a bit, and I'm sure my mom will stay to give us a hand" I leant to grab a tissue off the doctors desk, giving it to Demi so she could wipe at her eyes and nose.

"Can you call my mom?" I nodded as I gave her hand a comforting squeeze.

"We'll get you settled and then I'll give her a call, okay?"

"I-I asked if she'll be in the delivery room, is that okay?" I nodded without even having to think about it. I want Demi to feel as comfortable as possible.

"Demi, that is perfectly fine" I leant to press a kiss to her forehead as we waited for Dr James to return.


"Momma" I watched as Dianna stepped into the room, instantly wondering to Demi and wrapping her arms around her. "Mom, I'm a little scared" my heart broke as Demi nuzzled her face into Dianna's neck.

We have been up in a private room on the maternity ward for just over an hour. I was trying so hard to comfort Demi, but I knew her mom would do a better job, she's been through this, she knows what childbirth is like.

"I know you are, Baby Girl" Dianna pressed a kiss to Demi's temple as she pulled away from the hug.

"I'm gonna let my parents know that little man is on his way" Demi glanced over at me and nodded as she sent me a small smile. Dianna stroked a strand of hair behind Demi's ear. "I'll be back soon, okay? Is there anything you want me to grab at all?" she shook her head, briefly glancing over at her mom who had brought the two bags that had already been packed in preparation for this exact moment.

"No, I unfortunately can't eat so I'm good" I chuckled and leant to press a kiss to the top of her head before turning to leave the room, taking a final glance at Demi before I shut the door.


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