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TMZ Exclusive!

Demi Lovato is rumoured to be pregnant with her first child. Possible father will shock all.

I sighed at the article, looking down at the photo that accompanied it.

I sighed at the article, looking down at the photo that accompanied it

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I went to lock my phone but sighed as it started to ring. I didn't hesitate to ignore the call when I noticed the caller ID. Mom. I know that I'll be left a very unenjoyable voicemail message, but it didn't stop me from pressing ignore. The phone rang another 5 times before she left that message.

"I understand that you might be busy, Demetria, but I really need you to answer your phone" I dropped the phone onto the counter and dropped my head into my hands with a groan, tears burning at the back of my eyes.

I don't even understand how this has made it to the news. I'm not showing, I'm only 8 weeks and hardly anybody knows. As far as I know, only Kelsey and Nick know, also possibly Nick's girlfriend, if he worked up the courage to tell her. Would she spread it around? No one even knew we were dating, why would they assume the baby daddy is Nick?

I grabbed my phone when it vibrated to see that I'd received a message from Nick. I half expected it to be from my mother.

Nick: You seen the news?

Me: It's pretty difficult to miss. It's everywhere Nick! Can you come over? I think that we need to talk.

Nick: I'll be over in 10.

It was at that moment when my phone rang again.

"Hi Momma" I pressed the phone to my ear, combing my fingers through my hair as I sighed. Fear instantly began to bubble away in my stomach. I don't want her to judge me.

"So? You finally pick up the phone, huh?" I nervously chewed on my lip, the tears now welling up in my eyes.

"Suppose I did."

"Baby, are you okay?" I sniffled and wiped at my cheeks as the tears poured from my eyes. I need my mom, and not just over the phone. I need her hug.

"Mom, I need you" I began to nervously bite at my nail.

"I'm in Texas, Baby Girl" I covered my mouth with my hand as I released the sob that I had been trying to hold back since I first read the article. "Baby, I need you to talk to me. I know over the phone isn't great but it's going to have to do" I took in a breath as I tried to calm myself down, my hand moving to settle on my stomach.

"I'm scared, Mom. I don't..." I pushed myself up from the stool and began to pace the kitchen.

"I guess the rumours are true then?"

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