Thirty Nine

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"What did you say to Nick that had him all zoning out on me?" I questioned Joe as I turned back to face him after Nick left the room and had closed the door behind him.

"Nothing" I eyed him curiously, but he only rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I so believe that. Lying to a pregnant woman isn't right, Joseph" he chuckled and shook his head, beginning to play with the tie that still hung loose around his neck. "You want me to tie that for you" he chuckled before he pulled it from around his neck and handed it to me. I wrapped it around my neck and slowly began to tie it, every so often glancing up at him. "Why are you so nervous?" he sighed but I smiled knowing that I caught him out.

"What if something goes wrong?" I shook my head as I finished off with his tie and helped him to slide it over his head, tightening it around his neck.

"Nothing is gonna go wrong, Joe. You've been planning this day for months; it's gonna be an amazing wedding. You aren't having cold feet, are you?" he rapidly shook his head, his eyes staring into mine. "Because I will kill you if you ditch Sophie. She's the nicest and sweetest girl you've ever dated, not including me obviously" I giggled as Joe rolled his eyes and chuckled. I was thankful that helped to lighten him up.

"No, I-I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else" I smiled at the way his face lit up.

"I so wish somebody loved me like you love Sophie" I glanced around the room, trying so hard not to allow my tears to show.

"Somebody does, Dems. Somebody loves you so fucking much, more than I think I love Sophie and I didn't even think that was possible" I glanced down at the floor with a shake of my head. "He loves you, Demi. He has loved you since the moment that he laid eyes on you. You've had him captivated since you were 14" I looked up at Joe, biting down on my lip. "He's just an idiot for letting you go and I've told him that plenty of times. He doesn't think he deserves you, Dems. It took forever for me to convince him to finally ask you out the first time. I only succeeded when you released 'Ruin The Friendship'" I could feel the tears beginning to prick at the back of my eyes, a lump slowly began to form in my throat that I tried so hard to swallow down. "He doesn't think he's good enough for you. He's scared he'll break you again and that's something none of us want to see. You mean too much to all of us, Dem" I tried so hard to stop the tears from falling but one escaped anyway. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry" I shook my head, gently wiping away the tear.

"No, I...Don't worry about it. I cry at the drop of a hat these days" I shook my head and sent him a playful smile as I sniffled. "I never thought I was good enough for him either. I always thought he deserved someone so much better" I spoke, the lump having grown in my throat. "I thought he deserved someone who wasn't mentally unstable, someone who wouldn't one day love him with everything and then the next, push him away. I love him too, Joe. I love him more than I've ever loved anybody and I didn't think that was possible" Joe wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me into his embrace. "Are we ever gonna get back to where we were before we even decided to start dating?" Joe pressed a kiss to the top of my head as he nodded.

"You will because your love is unbreakable" I looked up at him with a smile. "Don't give up on him, D."

"I won't, just as long as he doesn't give up on me."


My heart thumped against my chest and my stomach filled with butterflies as I watched Nick make his way down the aisle. He was walking down the aisle with Sophie's maid of honour, who looked insanely stunning. They actually looked incredible together and the sight had me reeling with jealousy. If Nick and I don't give our relationship another chance, I might end up watching him marry somebody else. That thought alone caused my heart to ache. I don't think I could handle watching him marry somebody else.

"You need to make him yours before you lose him for good" I turned to send Dallas a glare but all she did was smirk back.

"It isn't that easy, Dal."

"It is easy. You're both just making it difficult" my eyes briefly locked with Nicks and he sent me a small smile. Everyone turned to look at the double doors when the wedding march started and everyone beamed at the sight of Sophie as she stepped into sight beside her dad. She looks breath-taking.

I couldn't concentrate throughout the whole ceremony, a specific memory running through my head.

"You ever thought about the future? Like marriage and kids and stuff?" I glanced to Nick who sat beside me at the piano, we were working on a song for my new album. The song was called 'Stop the World.'

"I've thought about it. It's what most girls dream about, Nick" I shrugged my shoulders as I lightly gave him a nudge. "What about you?" I ran my tongue along my lower lip as I glanced over at him.

"I'm a guy" I just rolled my eyes.

"That doesn't mean you can't dream about the future, Nick. I'm sure many guys imagine what they're future will look like" he shrugged, turning his attention down onto the piano keys. "I always used to dream about the moment that I'd get married. The moment I'd finally say 'I do'" I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as I glanced over at him. "I always used to dream about the different ways that I could get proposed too. They ranged from being extremely romantic to just being simple and easy but sweet at the same time" I could tell that Nick was hanging off my every word. "I also thought about the children we'd have. I always dreamt of having a boy first and then a girl so he could be protective of his little sister" I briefly glanced over at Nick who sent me a smile. "The names always changed; it never stayed the same for long" Nick released a chuckle which caused me to giggle breathlessly.

"You'll have that one day."

"So will you" we shared a smile.

I never thought then that I'd one day wish to have all of that with Nick.


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