Twenty Eight

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I lightly laughed, shaking my head at Joe as he spoke. My brother can be such a dork, I swear. I brought my beer up to my lips and lightly took a sip as I glanced around the backyard, my face falling serious as my eyes landed on Demi and Wilmer. I didn't even know she had invited him. My heart sunk into my stomach as he pressed a kiss to her cheek and then locked his arms around her.

"Nick" I jumped, glancing to Joe who nudged me lightly in the side. "They're best friends. You and Demi used to hug like that all the time. Don't over think it, it's just a hug. Don't go getting all jealous" I just rolled my eyes at him.

"They were in love with each other" Joe rolled his eyes as he shook his head, patting me lightly on the back.

"Exactly, they were in love with each other. Maybe there is a part of them that does still love each other, but they're friends, Nick. Even before you got together, you still loved Demi, right?" I released a breathe. "I love Demi..." my eyes moved to meet his. "...As my friend. It's in the past, Nick. Demi loves you and honestly, she has for a while. You dated for christ sake, you're having a baby together, Nick" I sighed, glancing back at Demi and Wilmer to see her smiling at him like he hung the moon, her puppy dog eyes watching him intently.

 You dated for christ sake, you're having a baby together, Nick" I sighed, glancing back at Demi and Wilmer to see her smiling at him like he hung the moon, her puppy dog eyes watching him intently

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"I've lost her for good, haven't I?"

"Nick, you haven't lost her" I decided to suck up my jealousy and headed towards the couple. I lowered my empty bottle of beer onto the table before making my way towards Demi and Wilmer. Her giggling at Wilmer's joke had me jealous.

"Wilmer, hey. I didn't know you were coming today" he glanced to me with a smile, bringing me into a brief hug.

"Yeah, I didn't know anything was happening. I just thought I'd come by and see how Demi was doing" a fake smile plastered itself on my face. I knew that Demi could read it by the look she gave me that I caught out of the corner of my eye. "Congratulations, Man. I don't think I've seen you since I found out" I glanced to Demi who sent me a tiny glare, a warning to behave.


"You can grab yourself a drink. Joe's over there if you want to go and say hi?" Demi pointed in the direction of Joe. Wilmer nodded and gave her another brief hug before he walked off towards Joe. I rolled my eyes as her hand wrapped itself around my wrist and she pulled me away from everyone else. "What the hell is with your attitude?" she hissed, and I had to try and refrain from rolling my eyes again.

"Erm...What the hell are you talking about?"

"Why are you acting all possessive? Is Wilmer gonna be a problem?" I just crossed my arms over my chest, intending to stand my ground.

"Is he staying?" her eyes just rolled.

"Nick, I didn't invite him but I'm not just gonna ask him to leave. He's one of my best friends, he's an important person in my life. And I'd like him here" I glanced away from her with a sort of sigh in annoyance. "Nick, this is supposed to be a good day. We're finally announcing the gender of our baby to our families and you're starting to ruin it with your unnecessary attitude. You're like a fucking toddler" I glanced back at her, beginning to feel guilty and the look that she was giving me wasn't helping at all. She was using her puppy eyes.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just...I don't know, he-he's like..." I shook my head and glanced away from her.

"He's like a what, Nick?"

"He's like a threat, Dem" her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Look, it doesn't matter. Shall we just go and announce the gender of our baby like we're supposed to be doing?" I turned and walked away, beginning back towards Joe, leaving a very confused and probably pissed Demi behind me.


"Nick, I think Demi wants you" I looked up at Joe to see him pointing behind me. I turned and my eyes landed on Demi who was waving over at me. "Is this finally the moment we all came here for?" I glanced over at him with a shrug before pushing myself up from the couch and heading to Demi.

"We're all ready to make the announcement if you still want too. I know Wilmer being here might have dampened your mood" she's still pissed at me.

"Dems, I'm sorry, okay?" our eyes locked, and I watched as hers finally grew soft. "Now, let's do this. Let's finally announce the gender of our baby to our family" I held my arm out for her and smiled as her arm linked with mine, my body tingling at the feeling of her bare skin against mine. I led her towards the box that sat in the centre of her backyard. Everyone slowly fell silent as they noticed us approaching the box. I kept my hand settled on Demi's lower back as we stood in front of the box, our attention falling on the people that surrounded us, the people that mean the most to us.

"Hi guys. I just want to say on behalf of me and Nick, how happy and blessed we are that all you guys are gonna be around our baby. This baby is gonna be so loved" I could hear the emotion in her voice and I ran my hand gently along her lower back as she placed her hand over her heart. "You all mean so much to me and Nick, and if I get through this without crying, it-it's gonna be a miracle" everyone chuckled and I released a laugh, leaning to press a kiss to Demi's temple. "I know our lives aren't exactly normal but I promise to be the best mommy to our baby" Demi spoke as she looked up at me which caused a collection of 'awes' to fill the air.

"I promise to be the best daddy too" I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her into me.

"As cute as this moment is and I know our moms are absolutely loving it" Dallas pointed to our moms who were stood by each other, crying softly. Demi and I shared a laugh. "Are we gonna find out the gender anytime soon?" Demi rolled her eyes as she pulled away from me. The smiles remained on both our faces though.

"Are we ready to do this?" I nodded and we separated, going to different ends of the box so we could open it together. "Okay, you ready?" we got a cheer in response and my eyes locked with Demi's as we glanced back at each other. "10" everyone groaned as Demi smirked. I shook my head, my heart fluttering though when Demi's giggle reached my ears. We continued the countdown, beginning to undo the box as we came closer to one.



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