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I have never enjoyed the sight of a girl crying but when that girl is Demi, the feeling is heightened.

I lowered myself gently onto the arm of the couch, my hand lowering onto her back but my heart broke as she jumped at the simple touch. I caught Dianna's gaze, tears glistening in her eyes as she held her sobbing daughter.

"What's wrong?" I mouthed.

"Baby?" Demi pulled away from Dianna, wiping at her cheeks but she refused to look over at me. "I love you, Baby Girl. Don't forget that, okay? You're gonna be an amazing mommy to this beautiful little boy. I have no doubt about that" she sent Demi a small smile before she leant to press a kiss to Demi's forehead. I watched as she pushed herself up from the couch and turned to leave the living room, leaving me alone with a sniffling Demi.

"Dem?" she shook her head as she wiped at her cheeks.

"I don't wanna talk about it" her voice cracked and it completely broke my heart.

"D, I want to talk with you about it. I want to know everything that's bothering you. I want to understand everything that's going on in this gorgeous head of yours" I moved myself off the arm of the couch and lowered myself down beside Demi who still refused to look at me, her eyes remained on her hands as she twiddled with her fingers.

"Well, I don't want to talk about it, so can we just drop it, please?" I sighed, running my hand over my head as I tried to hold back my frustration. I need her to feel comfortable around me like she used to before I ruined everything and made it awkward. I need her to trust me like she did before.

"Okay, whatever you want" I was trying so hard to sound understanding but it proved difficult. I pushed myself up from the couch and began to make my way towards the door so that I could leave her alone.

"Nick, wait" I slowly turned to face her. "Why are you so excited to have this baby with me?" the tears were pouring down her cheeks, my heart broke at the sadness hidden in her gorgeous brown eyes. Those eyes melt my heart.

"Because you're amazing, Demi. You're incredible and you're funny, you're beautiful inside and out. I-I don't think I'd want anyone else to carry my child" she shook her head while wiping at her cheeks with the back of her hand.

"I'm really not though, Nick."

"Dems, you are everything I want my child to grow up to be. Strong and independent. You're a fighter, Demi. You've been through so much shit but you've come out on the other side and you've come out so much stronger" I reached out to stroke a strand of hair behind her ear and the hint of a smile tugged at my lips when she didn't pull away from my touch. "I couldn't imagine having my first baby, my first son with anyone else. I can't wait to watch him grow up with you and I know that if he ever struggles through life, you'll be there to pick him up and tell him that everything will be okay in the end" I could tell her mouth wanted to tug into a smile as she bit down on her lip. "This is our baby, Dems" I stepped closer to her and settled my hand onto her belly.

"Can you feel him moving?"

"He's trying to tell his mommy that everything's going to be okay, and his daddy told him that mommy's too pretty to cry" the light giggle that left her mouth caused mine to tug into a wider smile. "I don't lie, Dems. You know I don't lie because I can't, especially not to you. Our little squid is going to love you so much, more than anyone else in the world. You're all his life is going to revolve around and I'm gonna try and not be jealous" she nudged me in the chest which caused me to chuckle. "But nevertheless, I am so happy that you are the mother of my first child" we shared a smile, and I could easily have leant in and pressed a kiss to her plump lips, but I refrained. It doesn't matter how much I could feel the pull, I didn't want to confuse her or break her heart more than I already have. She's already fragile enough as it is right now, I don't need to add to it. I don't need to confuse her more.

"You know, if there's always one person who can cheer me up, it's you" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her into my chest.

"We love you so much, Dems."

"Yeah, we love you too, Nick. He'll thank you one day for keeping his mommy sane" I nuzzled myself into her, my arms tightening around her causing her to release a low breath.


"You look after Demi, okay? I want my grandson getting here healthy, so his mommy needs to be happy."

"I will. I promise" I groaned slightly as she leant to press a kiss to my cheek. I pulled away and turned when I heard a giggle.

"You're such a momma's boy" I playfully glared over at Demi which just caused her to laugh so much harder.

"Don't you even go there" my heart did a flip and my lower region twitched as she bit down on her lower lip, her eyes watching me mischievously. "I will watch after them, Mom. They're my world" I found myself smiling as Demi glanced down, her cheeks turning a light red.

"I know you will. I did a good job with you" I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "I love you, Baby Boy."

"I love you too, Mom" I leant to press a kiss to her cheek and smiled as she walked to wrap her arms around Demi before finally leaving the house. "I don't think they could have taken that any better" I stated as I turned to Demi after having closed her front door, every single member of our family and our shared group of friends having now left.

"Stay?" I scrunched my eyebrows together at her words.

"D, I'm not going anywhere. I told you that I'm..." I cut myself off as she shook her head, confusing me further.

"No, I-I mean tonight. Stay here tonight" I had to try so hard to ignore the rapid increase of my heartrate. "After the thoughts I had earlier, I kind of don't want to be left alone. I would have asked my mom but she can be overbearing at times" I allowed a small smile to spread across my face as I stepped towards her.

"You want to talk about it?" she shook her head and I tried to hide my aggravation. We have always told each other everything. What's changed? "I'll stay, Dems, okay? I'll stay as long as you want me too" she stroked a strand of hair behind her ear as she looked up at me with a thankful smile.


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